Page 51 of Carrying Your Lies

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When she joins us, I mouthsorry, and she winks at me in return. It feels weird having Huxley on one side and Xavier at the head of the table on the other. Emery sits opposite me and offers to plate my food.

“Don’t worry. I got it,” Huxley butts in. The plate he puts in front of me has enough food to feed a family.

“What the hell?”

“You’re eating for two. And you look like you’ve worked up an appetite.”

“I hate you, sunshine.”

While Emery smiles at our interaction, Xavier watches us with wary. I offer him a smile, which earns me a ghost of a smile.

The conversation is mundane and asbeigeas everything in this house. The gentleman opposite Huxley makes small talk with me. His attempts to charm me are less than subtle. He is handsome, but not in the way Huxley is. He doesn’t have eyes that fill me with a hurricane of emotions or lips I want pressing against me.

“Are you single?”

I’ll give the guy kudos for being so brazen.

I feel both the grey and amber eyes trained on me, waiting for my response. With both of them sitting on the edge of their seats, I realise, for once, I have all the power.

“Why do you ask?”

Under the table, a hand grips my thigh, but I push Huxley’s hold off me.

“I’d like to take you out sometime.”

“Is that how you court a woman, Christian?” Xavier interrupts.

“What century are you living in? Women don’t want to be courted. We want to be fucked.”

Emery chokes on her wine at my crude words. Xavier looks hurt. Christian looks pleased. But Huxley’s glare burns through the side of my head and melts my brain. His hand is back on my thigh, and his grip is tighter than before.

“I wasn’t expecting that,” Christian laughs.

“I hope you’re not as holy as your name. I like a sinful affair,” I tease.

“Most women still want to be courted,” Xavier argues. “They want romantic gestures and dates.”

“Men only do that as part of the chase when all you really want is to tie the woman to your bed and fuck her senseless. Wouldn’t you agree, Emery?”

She side-eyes her husband. “Yes. Once they have her, they only see her as a babymaker.”

“Case and point.”

“What are you doing tomorrow?” Christian is too eager now that he thinks I’ll fuck him. “I can pick you up.”

This time, Huxley is the one to intrude. “Savannah, did you arrange that meeting with Mr Sharman?”

I smile to myself. He knows I booked that meeting. His grip will leave a bruise if he holds on any longer.

“Yes. And you’re being rude by interrupting my conversation,” I scold.

Before I can speak, he cuts me off. “Did you tell Mr Sharman I don’t share my business?” The cold look on his face makes me shudder.

He doesn’t want me enough to meet his family, but he also doesn’t want me to find someone willing to take that step. I know that person isn’t Christian, but the principle remains.

I stare at the desperation on his face, but it solidifies my thoughts. I’m done letting either of these men pick and choose when they want me. If Huxley wants me to himself, he needs to man up and commit.

“Yes, I did. But he wanted me to remind you that right now, the business isn’t yours. He can do whatever he wants.”
