Page 55 of Carrying Your Lies

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“No!” I shout. I lower my voice to a hiss. “Are you crazy? He wouldn’t help you.”

“Say it’s for you,” he begs. “If I don’t give him something by tomorrow, I’m done.”

Annoyance fills me as he once again forces his problem on me. He’s trying to guilt trip me into handing more money over, and I’m pissed that it’s working.

“You were the one that was stupid enough to take a loan from a man that stabs someone for looking at him the wrong way.” I rub my temples. “I can’t help you.”

“Anything! Please. Whatever you can. Maybe it will buy me some time.”

My hand grips the scan picture tight, and I remember my promise. I stand my ground. “No. You did this to yourself. I’m not going to jeopardise my future for you. Xavier has already given me so much.”

“He has millions! What is six grand to him? Just ask him for an advance on your payment. I’m desperate. I’ve learnt my lesson. I swear I’m going to stop. After this, I’m getting out of London and starting fresh. I know you gave up on our Bali dream, but I’m going to do it. I’ll show you, Sav… I’ll prove I’m done with this.”

I close my eyes and try to find the strength I just had, but it’s gone. Elliot wasn’t perfect, but he was there when I had no one.

“Two grand.” Before he says anything else, I carry on. “But this is it. No more calls. No more texts. No more asking Mia about me. If you contact me again, I’ll change my number. I’ll tell Xavier to put your name and face on security’s watch list. We’re done after this.”

I tell him where to meet me tomorrow morning. He repeatsthank youuntil I cut the line. I take a few deep breaths before making my way to the office.

I stop outside the door when I see long blonde hair sway as the owner laughs at whatever joke Huxley shared. She places her hand on his arm seductively, and he grins at her.

He doesn’t even look up at the door to notice me watching with jealousy coursing through me.

I back away from the door, and I’m in Xavier’s office without realising.

“Everything okay?” he asks.

I stare at the ground, trying to control my emotions. I have no right to scream at him for doing what I did. This is the first time I have seen him in two weeks, and now I know why. Huxley hasn’t been to the office a single day, but every morning, I would wake to an email with a list of tasks. Normally, he would call with any additional jobs, but he has been emailing me – not even a text.

“Yeah. Can I sit here? Huxley is in a meeting.”

When he nods, I plop myself onto his white couch. I zone out of reality. Xavier flicks between calls and emails for over two hours without speaking to me.

When there is a knock at the door, I don’t have to turn to see who it is. I can feel him before he enters the room.

“It’s done,” he gloats. “SkyeRightjust hired us!”

The two men shake hands with laughter on their lips.

“I knew you were the right man for the job! How did you manage that?”

“A little Ray magic goes a long way.”

They begin a conversation about specifics in the contract while I sit there, stirring in my emotions. From the little I steal from the exchange, I learn that the mother was more interested in setting up her daughter with Huxley than talking business with him. Of course, the greedy woman wanted to nab him for her daughter.

Midway through their conversation, Huxley realises I am also in the room. “Have you completed your list of tasks?” he asks.

No greeting. No asking how I am. No happiness at seeing me after two weeks.


“You’re not being paid to sit there and daydream.”

I give in to my urges and look at him. His beard is thicker than usual, and I want to run my fingers through it. His suit jacket is missing, but he has on a waistcoat.Was the three-piece suit to impress her?

“And I didn’t think Xavier paid you to sleep with clients.” I gather my things and stand up. I had every intention of walking out, but I stop in front of him and smile. “I guess that makes you awhore.” I tilt my head. “Or maybe hisbitch.” And with that, I walk out of there and to my desk.

Just as I sit down, he storms into the office. “What the hell was that?” When he doesn’t get a response, his fists come down on the table. “I asked you a question! What is your problem?”
