Page 43 of Cruising for You

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“Date for real, you mean?”

Jenna nodded.

“I’m fine with that.” If it meant kissing Jenna again and hopefully convincing her to stay in my life, two days were better than nothing.

Jenna sighed with relief. “Great.”

I leaned in one more time, pausing right before I kissed her. “Anything else you want to say?”

“Nope.” Jenna closed the gap between us, and then I couldn’t think clearly about our future relationship status, hormonal cascades or anything else. Kissing her was just as nice as it had been the night before. As our lips moved together, she ran a hand through my hair, sending a chain of sensation through my body.

Arms still wrapped around each other, I gently led Jenna to the couch, thinking maybe we wouldn’t go to Puerto Costa Maya after all. She could tell everyone that I got suddenly sick and she had to stay and care for me.

We hadn’t made it more than two steps when someone knocked at our door.

Jenna started to move, but I put a hand on her shoulder. “We could ignore that.”

“What if it’s Grandma?”

That was a good point. I held onto Jenna’s hand as I made for the door.

Nicole was on the other side. “You two sleep in or something? Grandma’s waiting to go to shore.”

With a wink, Jenna retrieved her hat, and we followed my sister down the hallway.

“Mom’s not feeling well, so she’s not coming.” Nicole announced. “I think she stayed out too late.” She didn’t mention Frank.

“That’s too bad,” Jenna said.

I remained silent. Sad as it was, we’d probably have a better time without Mom there to antagonize Nicole.

Grandma looked over at Mom’s room. “I can stay behind and care for her...”

“No!” Nicole, Jenna, and I said in unison. Grandma shouldn’t ruin her fun nursing Mom through her self-induced illness.

We managed to convince Grandma to go and made our way toward the ship’s theater, where our excursion group was meeting. As we walked, I discovered that Jenna’s hat, when tilted to the right angle, not only allowed me to kiss her while she was still wearing it, but also partially shielded us from prying eyes. Of course, Grandma and Nicole already thought we were dating, so there wasn’t any need to hide, but it was new to us.

Hand in hand with Jenna, I felt less like Dr. Donaldson, Assistant Director of the Infectious Disease Fellowship Program, and more like the expectant, twenty-year-old surfer I’d once been. The one who felt like the entire world of possibility was open to him. The one who had plans for his life outside of his career.

“Oh, look at those benches!” Grandma pointed out a row of seats facing windows looking out over the water. She was walking even more slowly than normal, I observed. The trip had tired her out.

Grandma lowered herself gently down on one of the view seats and took Nicole’s hand. “Would you mind very much if I stayed here on the ship? My hip is giving me a little trouble, and I’m not sure how far I can walk.”

“Oh, we don’t have to go,” Nicole said immediately, even though she’d been giving us a mini-lecture about the history of the site for the last few minutes.

“No, sugar, you should go. You were just telling us how interesting the ruins are,” Grandma replied. “I’ll be just fine here by myself.”

Jenna, Nicole, and I glanced at each other. Even though there were plenty of staff around that could help her if she needed it, it didn’t seem right to abandon a ninety-year-old grandmother with health problems.

“You know, I’m a little tired, too.” Jenna nodded at me and Nicole. “Why don’t you two go, and I’ll stay with Grandma?” She sat down on the bench.

“Are you sure?” I asked, giving her a questioning look. I’d also been excited to see the ruins, but I didn’t want Jenna to miss out.

“Yep. Grandma can finish showing me your scrapbooks.” Jenna looked at Nicole and then tilted her chin, encouraging me to go. Maybe she thought we’d benefit from the chance to talk.

“Oh yes!” Grandma patted Jenna’s knee. “We’ll have a grand time, if you don’t mind keeping an old lady company.”

Jenna assured her that there was nothing she’d rather do, and then I kissed Jenna goodbye in full view of Grandma and Nicole.
