Page 75 of Cruising for You

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Other guests were mingling inside the barn, and some had taken their assigned seats at the circular tables around the room. I was surreptitiously scanning the place cards when a waitress offered me a choice of a blackberry-thyme Bellini or a white peach and basil sangria.

Jenna still hadn’t arrived by the time I’d tried both drinks and all three appetizers, wild mushrooms on fried polenta squares, mini summer squash and goat cheese tarts, and cracked pepper blini with sour cherry preserves. Clearly the bride and groom had excellent taste.

Thirty minutes into the reception and still lacking any glimpse of Jenna, I squared my shoulders and moved toward the nearest guests. I’d spent long enough downing drinks and appetizers. I was there to show Jenna I was serious about her, and I’d start by socializing with her friends and family. At least this time I knew for sure I was at the right event.

The couple, a man and woman in their sixties, smiled at my approach. I took a deep breath. “Hi. Nice day, isn’t it?” Weather was a good subject. People often talked about the weather.

“Just beautiful,” the woman replied. “Couldn’t ask for a nicer day for Beth. Are you Chase’s friend?”

“I’m here with the bride’s side.” I cleared my throat. “I’m dating the maid of honor.” It felt a little strange to come out and proclaim I was Jenna’s boyfriend when she wasn’t there and hadn’t finished saying whatever she wanted.

“Oh, you’re Adam!” The woman laid a hand on my arm. “You’re real! Unbelievable! How wonderful you could make it. I’m Kathy, Jenna’s aunt, and this my husband, Howard.”

“Nice to meet you both,” I said, shaking their hands in turn. “I’m glad I could be here too.”

Kathy’s voice dropped conspiratorially. “Did you end up having to take the foot?”

I stared back at Kathy. “Which foot are we talking about?”

“The flesh-eating bacteria patient,” she said, a little too loudly. Her husband winced, and a lady standing nearby put the tart she’d been about to eat back on her plate. “Jenna said you were too caught up in a rare case to travel for the wedding.”

“Oh, that foot.” I pretended I knew what she was talking about. “I can’t discuss patient treatments, sorry.”

“Do you know a lot about feet?” Kathy asked, lowering her voice. “Howard has a recurring fungus on his left pinky toe that’s giving him a lot of grief.”

“Kathy!” Howard hissed.

“I suppose I could take a look at it?” I offered, wanting to be helpful to Jenna’s relative. I didn’t usually consult on such cases unless a fungal infection was complex or unusual, but I could probably make a diagnosis.

“Take off your shoe,” Kathy ordered.

It didn’t seem like Howard was interested in my expertise. “I will not!” He turned and made his way to an appetizer tray and grabbed four plates of polenta.

“That’s not keto!” Kathy yelled, chasing after him.

I slipped away before I could get caught in the middle of a marital argument and saw one man standing off to the side, watching the other guests and sipping on a bellini.

Taking pity on a fellow loner, I made my way over to him, extending a hand in greeting. “Hi, I’m Adam.”

“Justin,” he returned, shaking my hand with an absentminded nod. His gaze wandered over the crowd.

“Looking for someone?” I asked.

“Do you know Jenna Allen?”

“Jenna?” I echoed, my heart skipping a beat at the mention of her name. “Yeah. I think she’s still at the chalet, taking photos. Are you a friend?”

“We go way back.” He grinned slyly. “My mom showed me a recent picture of her, and let me just say, Jenna looksgood. Thought I’d see if there are still sparks between us.”

My eyes narrowed. I couldn’t blame him for finding Jenna attractive—if that was a crime, I’d get a life sentence—but something in Justin’s voice didn’t sit right with me. “I think Jenna’s currently seeing someone.”

Justin shrugged, not looking particularly concerned. “Well, she’ll have to tell me that herself.”

Irritated, I pressed forward. “She’s with me,” I declared. “And I love her.”

For a moment, he seemed taken aback. “Alright then,” he said, raising his bellini in a mock toast. “Good luck to you both.”

As I walked away from him, my heart pounded in my chest. I had declared my love for Jenna to a stranger before I’d even said it to her.
