Page 78 of Cruising for You

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The kiss never came. I opened one eye and found him regarding me with curiosity.

“Sorry—the email thing; is that what you were trying to tell me earlier?”

“Yes?” I wanted to clear the issue up quickly so we could get back to the kiss.

“So you’d already decided to trust me before I made my toast?”

I nodded, unsure of the intent of his questions. “Does that make you wish you hadn’t said all that stuff?”

He shook his head. “No, but I am wondering what made you change your mind about me.”

Before I could answer, the song shifted to one with a faster beat and more people joined us. “Come me with me.” I led Adam outside of the barn and into the shade of the oak trees surrounding the property.

I clutched Adam’s hands in mine. “I realized that I projected a lot of my worries on you, when you’ve been nothing but wonderful.”

His head jerked back. “Me? Adequate at best.”

“Way more than that. You’re funny and observant. Thoughtful. Sincere.” I smoothed my hands over the lapel of his jacket. “A great kisser.”

“Well, in that case, you’re an exceptionally perceptive, unerringly generous, fiercely compassionate, gorgeous woman.” His eyes dropped to my lips before darting back up to meet mine. “And, of course, an even better kisser.”

His lips met mine in a gentle kiss, a sweet exploration that sent a ripple of delight through me. His touch was feather-light, as though he feared I might vanish if he pressed too hard. But when I didn’t pull away, his hands steadied on my waist, pulling me closer. The kiss deepened, and a small sigh escaped me.

Adam kissed me as though he were trying to communicate something he couldn’t quite put into words, a perfect combination of passion, tenderness, and a hint of desperation, as if he feared this moment might slip away if he didn’t seize it fully.

Finally, he pulled away, a little breathless. “Is there something I can do to demonstrate my feelings for you? Other than this.” He waved a hand back and forth from me to himself. “I want you to trust me.”

“You’ve already given me a lot of reasons to trust you,” I assured him in a voice that was just as unsteady. “You’ve respected my wishes at every point. But what about you? Feeling okay about a relationship?”

He kissed the top of my nose, a sweet little motion that made my heart swell. “I feel great about this.”

“And what you said about love?”

“I fell in love with you before I understood what love meant. I’m sure I have a lot more to learn, but I want to learn it with you.”

I framed his face with my hands, heart melting at his words. “I love you with my whole heart, Adam. I’m not sure if I’m cured of all my trust issues, but if you’re willing to work with that, I’ll do my best to talk to you about it.”

“I would be willing to do anything if it meant being with you.” He dipped his mouth closer to mine. “And now I want to make what I hope will be another valuable contribution.”

“You bring so much to this relationship.” I sighed contentedly as our lips met again.

I laced my hands around his neck, feeling like we couldn’t ever be close enough. He pulled back for a second. “Wish there was an elevator around here so we could solemnize this relationship,” he teased, before kissing me again.

“Hey, you two!” Michael called out.

I pulled away slowly. Michael and Lisa had been high school sweethearts, and I’d walked in on them kissing at least fifty times as a teen. Michael was the last person on earth I was going to take any teasing from about coming outside with my boyfriend.

Michael smiled widely at us. “It’s the ‘Cotton Eye Joe’! Just thought you’d want to know.”

Sure enough, I heard the familiar notes blasting over the loudspeakers. “And?” The last time I’d been excited by such news was in middle school.

His smile fell away to be replaced by a sheepish grin. “And your dad was just wondering where Adam went because he wants to get to know him better. He sent me out to find you.”

Adam and I exchanged a look, and then Adam slid his hand into mine. “Let’s go in, then,” he said, and we followed Michael inside.

Back under the roof of the barn, I looked up at my boyfriend, wondering how much I’d get to see him before he had to return to Philadelphia. “How long are you staying?”

“I have to work on Monday. Couldn’t find anyone to cover any more for me.”

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