Page 14 of Broken Prince

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I shrug out of Brant’s hold, spinning on my heels and shove my way through the other students. Someone calls out to me, telling me to stop, but I ignore them and push forward, the urge to get out of here riding my ass. I make it down onto the main floor, my mind racing as I take off toward my car. I yank my phone out of my pocket and hit the first number on the speed dial. It rings twice.

“What can I do for you, Kylo?” the tone snaps over the line.

“How nice, not even a hey to your brother-in-law?” I snap back, smiling as I hear Bo snarl on the end of the line.

“What the fuck do you want, arsehole?”

“I need your help,” I growl, my hold on the phone getting tighter, “I know I have no right to ask, but Bo, I’m desperate.”

“What did you do?” I laugh at her thought process, I never thought I would have to make this call and ask for her help, but I know I can’t do it without her.

“I didn’t do anything yet, I need you to find information on someone for me,” I say with a lighter tone, there’s no use me keeping my shitty attitude because I know how fucking stubborn she can be.

“I guess you’ve walked out of school, so meet me at the Dominion in thirty minutes,” she snaps, then the line goes dead. I snarl at the phone like it’s offended me, before stuffing it back in my pocket as I take off to my car. Dominion is on the far side of the wasteland, and it will take me thirty minutes to get there. As soon as I get to the car, I’m pulling on my seatbelt and punching the start button. The engine roars to life and I throw it into reverse, peeling out of the spot with smoking rubber.

* * *

I thinkI ran every red light and stop sign on my way here. My palms are sweaty as I climb out of the car, the club is shrouded in shadows. The sun doesn’t reach this far onto the street from the buildings on the other side.

Dominion is Axel’s club, and it’s based deep into the depravity that is the waste land. It’s also close to the shops that some of his crew own—the knight’s symbol is sprayed on almost every building I passed. They do what they can for the people that still live here, trying to better the conditions for them. But everyone who wants to try and get a foot hold here and rule this place, always comes straight to the wasteland first. Which means Axel or Reed are left to deal with it. I open the door, a darkened hallway stretching out before me. I can hear the clink of glasses and laughter echoing, and I head down it, the metal door banging against the frame. The fluorescent lights on the ceiling turn on as I walk. Huh, they must be motion censored.

“Yo, Kylo, what you doing here, man?” I step out of the hallway into the club, my eyes widening as I take it all in. Ace stands behind the bar cleaning a glass with a towel, and I nod at him when I see a huge guy sitting on a stool with a shit load of paperwork in front of him.

“This is Drax,” he says with a stoic face. “What you doing here?”

“He’s here to see me,” Bo says, stepping out from behind a pillar near the dance floor. “I know you know Ace, and he’s just introduced Drax,” she says with a shrug. “What can I help you with?”

“Someone’s beating a girl I know, and I need to know everything I can,” I say with a snarl, pictures of her flashing across my mind.

“Who’s she?” she asks with a suspicious head tilt, her eyes narrowed as she looks me over. “Is this a special sort of friend?” Ace bursts out laughing, and Drax cuffs a weird sort of sound shaking his head, Bo smirks at me with her arms folded.

“Look, I know you’re not my biggest fan after everything, but I need your help,” I snap, losing my patience.

“Lose the attitude, brother, or we’re going to have some issues.” My eyes widen and I take a step back as I see my brother and Axel step out of the shadows, flanking her on either side.

“Frost, you take away all my fun,” Bo gripes with a pout, which has Axel smirking and shaking his head.

“Is she the one I hear you claimed to be her boyfriend?” he says with a chuckle, his head cocking to the side as he takes me in.

“She’s to me what she is to you,” I say pointing to the woman standing in front of him, “The only difference between me and you, is that I’ve made it known from the get-go that I want her.”

“The fuck is that meant to mean?” he demands, rushing toward me. Axel steps in his path, blocking his way, his hand on his shoulder.

“Look, someone is hurting her and I need to find out who,” I snarl, looking at the one person I know calls all the shots. “Please, Bo, I need your help.”

I allow my face to show her everything I’m feeling, I can’t keep anything secret from her because I know she wouldn’t help me then. Our relationship is strained at best, I know I’m not entirely to blame for the death of Ms. Jeanette, Bo’s friend and housekeeper, but I know she still blames me for it. She looks me over with pursed lips, it feels like she’s got me under the microscope as she just stands there. After what feels like an eternity, she huffs out a breath and drops her arms to her side. She nods her head to the end of the club, and I breathe a sigh of relief as she takes off in the direction she came from, and I follow behind her. Axel and my brother Frost pick up their step as I pass them, no words are said as I follow her down another hallway toward the back of the club. I look at the people surrounding me, Frost is my brother by birth, but he also kinda isn’t my brother… in a way. I never knew him growing up, I thought I was an only child. That’s why even though we are trying to build a relationship, I still call him what everyone else does. Frost. His first name is Kenton, but apparently, everyone has always called him by his surname at his request because he knew it pissed our father off. I don’t see myself as a Frost, I’ve always been Kylo Chambers and that’s who I will always be… even with Frost being on the end of my name. Bo clears her throat, pulling me out of my thoughts, her eyes boring into me as she opens a door and steps through, and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest as I step through the threshold.

“What’s her name?” she asks as she takes a seat behind the desk.

“Samantha Whitlock,” I say, as I drop down into the seat in front of her, and her eyes widen at my words.

“A Whitlock? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Frost shouts in disbelief from the doorway.

“Something I don’t know about, babe?” she purrs as she speaks to him, I hear Axel chuckle as I move deeper into the office.

“Yeah, Jamieson Whitlock is the fucker who had it out for my family for years, he even tried to kidnap Mom,” he bellows.

“What the fuck?” I shout, turning to face him. “And you didn’t think it would be a good idea to tell me this before you dump my ass at Broad Creek?” I demand, pushing to my feet.
