Page 32 of Broken Prince

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Buzzing fills my head as the voices go silent, disappearing into the recesses of my void.

“You mean the son of a bitch whose father plans to buy you like a fucking piece of meat!” I roar, my rage exploding at the words she’s thrown at me like daggers. I rush forward, grabbing hold of her again, my grips harsher this time as I push her deeper into the room.

“Get your fucking hands off me,” she screams as she fights against my hold. “You’re full of shit, you lying bastard.”

I open the storage room door, clicking the light on with one hand as I hold her in the other. I fumble around when my hand touches something, smiling savagely as she continues to fight against my hold. Protests spew from her mouth as she fights like an alley cat.

“Is your ego that big, you can’t accept the fact that someone doesn’t want to sit on your dick every chance they get?” she hisses between pants, but the fight is leaving her and I feel her movements start to slow.

“What I don’t like, is when people are so determined to ruin themselves that they are never true about the things they want,” I snarl, pulling the stuff out of the storage room so I can find the items I need to implement my plan. I smile as I clamp my teeth on an old T-shirt, yanking at it, and the materials tears. I drop the bit I don’t need.

I spin her so her chest is flush against the locker, pressing all my weight into her back so she can’t move—her hands immobile between me and her. She whimpers as her muscles are pulled taut at the odd angle, and I wrap the material around her eyes, cutting off her vision.

“What are you doing, you psycho!” she demands.

I chuckle darkly as I spin her round to face me, binding her wrists before heading out of the locker room, yanking on the material like it’s a leash.

“I’m showing you why you really don’t want to push me. Plus, this is payback for the hair removal cream.”

* * *

I siton the hood of my car, leaning back against the windscreen as I wait. Slowly, the quad starts to fill up, and laughter fills the air. “Oh my God” is squealed throughout the crowd, and I chuckle as I watch everyone pull out their phones and start recording.

“Oh shit, is that Sam Whitlock tied to the flagpole?” one of the jocks says as he and his friends rush over with huge grins on their faces.

I shuffle myself down the windscreen, smiling at my handy work as someone pulls the blindfold off her face. I’ll give her her dues, she doesn’t look bothered about the fact she’s tied to the flagpole, oh no she doesn’t. I see her looking over the crowd, then she stops on me. I salute her with a huge smile on my face. Luckily enough she’s in the center of the quad surrounded by the student body, but her eyes promise death.I look forward to it, baby, because this is just the start of the plan I have for the pair of us.Static cuts through the air, the awful wailing nose making all of us wince.

“Mr. Chambers, come to my office now!” Principal Abner snaps over the announcement system. With a huff, I reach behind me and grab my folded-up blazer I’ve been using as a pillow. I shake it out, my attention going back to Shadow as two of the teachers untie her from her post. I slide down the hood, pulling on my blazer in one swift movement before grabbing my bag off the floor and set off to the asshole’s throne room.

The jeers and chackles being thrown at her make my stomach twist, but I stamp that down just as quickly as it came. Why the fuck should I feel bad? She’s the one who always has to keep pushing with the false bravado she shows to the world. This could be different. But if she wants to keep playingwho’s the biggest asshole…game on!

The crowd thins out the closer I get to the building, and I spot Brantley pushing through people with murder on his face. I know I’m going to get shit for this, but if he doesn’t like it, tough shit.

I step through the threshold, nodding at the secretary. She’s an older woman with graying hair and a stern face. Her forehead is so covered in frown lines she looks like she has a card machine on her head. I chuckle as she glowers at me from behind her desk.

“He will see you now.” I’m instantly dismissed as she goes back to whatever it is she’s doing. I wink at her as I pass, and she tuts at me like I’m revolting. I’m still chuckling as I step into the office, the sour face Principal sitting behind his desk with a pinched expression.

“What can I help you with, Principal?” I joke as I drop into the seat opposite him, slouching down until I’m resting on my tailbone. I put my ankle on my left knee, jostling it with impatience. His eyes zero in on the movement and I notice the already pulsing vein in his head start to throb. I smirk and as I watch it, it seems to grow, and I find myself wondering if he has worms. “So?”

“Don’t be a smart-ass, boy!” he chastises, leaning forward to rest his forearms on the desk. “I only allowed you into this school because of your mother. Now I get told you’re making a ruckus in your classes and your professors are at their wits end with you.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but I’ve never had any issues in my classes and I have never ended up in your office until you summoned me like a good little minion.”

“Save it, Chambers. I know Professor McMann told you to come here earlier because you were being insolent in his class and you failed to make it here,” he says, eyes narrowed at me, I shrug as I pick an imaginary piece of lint of my pants. “So why did I have to summon you?”

“I was helping a dear old lady crossing the road, sir,” I say with sincerity. “You wouldn’t want me to leave her to possibly get squashed by a big rig, now, would you?”

He quirks a brow at me and disgust fills his features as he looks down his nose at me, making me grip the arms on the seat to remain calm. The shitty leather creaks under my fingers as I fight the urge to punch him… because that’s all I’d need is Mom chewing me out because I was being an impulsive asshole.

“Look, I don’t want you here, but you and I both know that your mother will bring hell down on top of me if I throw your ass out to the gutter,” he snarls.

My fingers grip tighter to the chair arms.

“So how about you keep your damn head down and stop antagonizing people?”

“Wow, Principal Abner, I didn’t know you cared so much about what my mom thinks of you,” I say with a fake ass grin on my face, my eyes narrowing on his hand as he starts tugging at his collar. “Does this make you uncomfortable, sir?”

“Go to your next class, boy,” he snaps, sitting back in his seat, the worn fabric creaks beneath him as he tilts himself back and puts his legs on the desk.
