Page 4 of Broken Prince

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I turn my head, catching sight of the asshole standing on my right punching his hand into the other with an eager smile on his face. My eyes narrow as I take in the movement… is he for real right now? I roll my eyes with a bored expression when I see two guys flanking him with matching angry expressions. I have to fight back the smirk at the three amigos and the death glares they’re giving me.

“Not now, I’m busy,” I say with a shrug, turning my attention back to the faces in the corridor to find the one I want… nothing.How the fuck has she disappeared out of sight?

“Oh really, and what’re you so busy with, Frost, that you don’t have time to speak to the king?” one of the guys behind him snaps.

I turn to face them, a malicious wide grin on my face. They close ranks, moving closer to their boy, and I have to fight the laugh. I eye the one that spoke, then turn my attention to the other. Both of them are big, but size isn’t everything. I chuckle when I see Warrick step up and they mimic his movements. I’ll give them that, the move is well practiced—they’re clearly on the team with him because that amount of precision is a dead giveaway.

“I’m looking for my new girlfriend,” I say with a smirk, eyeing all of them. Tracking their movements to see which one is going to react first, I scrutinize them with my eyes narrowed. It may be Warrick that reacts first, if the redness of his face is anything to go by, but then again, I don’t think he’s one to enjoy getting his hands dirty.

“Stay the fuck away from my girlfriend, Frost,” Warrick says angrily, rushing forward and getting in my face. “That bitch belongs to me.”

“If you have to refer to your woman as a bitch, then you’re seriously in thetoxic to femalescategory,” I rumble back, stepping closer to him, our noses touching, and the challenge clear in my eyes.

His eyes narrow when he realizes I have to look down at him a little bit from my height, I see the unease flicker across his eyes. The urge to push his buttons to see what sort of guy he is has the words tumbling from my mouth, “Shadow will be riding my dick by semester’s end.”

Warrick lunges at me with a war cry, I laugh manically at the look on his face, but I allow him to push me back while I brace for impact. The thud reverberates throughout the eerily silent corridor, pain spreads up my spine from the wall, but all I do is laugh harder at the murderous look on his face. His two lap dogs still flank him, but neither of them have moved. He pushes with all his strength to keep me in place, and I laugh harder as I feel his grip trembling with his hold.

“Rip his fucking head off and show him who’s king!”my inner voice demands in my head.

“You step out of line, Frost,” he spits in my face, “I’ll make sure you bleed.”

“I’m not a fucking Frost,” I fire back, his eyes widen at the outburst that has me chuckling. My laughter gets harsher, darker, before I break off with a splutter, now scowling at this fucker without breaking eye contact. I grab ahold of his wrists, twisting with enough pressure to make his eyes widen and his teeth grit together in pain before I shove him back with enough force he stumbles into his friends. I push myself off the wall, standing tall as I square my shoulders.

“Make him pay for disrespecting us like that,”the voice says.“You know you want to feel his blood running between your fingers.”

“You really think you could make me bleed, you cunt?” I snap, stepping up to him. “Do it.” I throw my hands out wide, a huge grin on my face in challenge to any or all of them. “I was born from pain and blood, so c’mon, Warrick, give it your best fucking shot!”

His friends start shouting shit at him as he stands there, death glaring me with his hands trembling by his sides. He’s gearing up to come for me again, I can see it in his desperate eyes, and he doesn’t disappoint as he roars, lunging toward me. The encouragement from his friends giving him a second wind, I spring forward to meet him in the middle. Face to face, I smile eagerly and wait for him to throw the first swing… I’m going to beat his ass and show them all who he’s truly fucking with. I won’t be responsible for starting this fight, but I sure as hell will be responsible for ending it.

“Woah. Woah. Woah.” Brantley steps between us, shoving Warrick back as he tries to get at me again. His flailing arms as he tries to get through my friend forces Brantley to have to push him back harder. I can feel the anger rolling off him in waves as I continue to smirk over Brantley’s shoulder to taunt the fucker. “Warrick, back off,” Brantley shouts, pushing the idiot with enough power he stumbles back into his friends—who, much to my dismay, catch him.

“Stay out of it, fag,” he spits, getting in his face, pushing him back a step. Brantley manages to stand his ground though, and a flicker of pride swells in my chest. Warrick’s lip curls up in a feral way, a look of disgust on his face. “Touch me again, you faggot, and you’re dead.”

The red haze that was flickering in and out of existence in my vision explodes as the rage takes over, tuning into the fucker in front of me. I don’t make a sound as I launch myself past Brantley, gripping hold of the piece of shit by the throat, and his eyes bulge from his head. The voices in my mind are singing a melody of eagerness as I tighten my grip, watching his eyes widen further—the urge to maim the bastard is riding me hard.

How fucking dare he say shit like that about my boy?!

My back hits the wall again, Brantley has a hold of me with more power than I thought he had. His eyes are pleading with me to leave it, but my hold on my temper is shot. Everything is hazy, all except the bastard I want to rip apart. I hear frantic whispers, but I pay them no mind as I try to get to the piece of shit again.

“Warrick!” Brantley snaps. “I’m telling you now, you piece of shit, you really don’t want to do this.”

“Why the fuck not, homo, you going to protect your bitch of a boyfriend?!” He smirks at my boy and the tunnel vision becomes a pinpoint, especially when I hear,“Oh fuck,”as it echoes throughout the corridor, and the last sliver of control I had is lost.

The roar that leaves my throat is animalistic as I fight harder to break free, trying my hardest not to hurt my friend in the process, but he’s stronger than I thought he was, holding me back easily. I try everything I can to get his hold to break, my eyes focused on the fucker sniggering in front of me.

“Get the fuck out of here, Bowers, before I lose my grip.” The panic in his tone is clear. “Because I’m telling you now, you're fucking with the wrong person here.” Brantley’s words are strained as I push to get free, worry in his eyes as I feel his hold begin to slip.

The voices are screaming at me to spill blood. Their chant growing and the static sound in my head are the only thing I can hear as I roar my rage. Whatever he sees has him taking a step back, and his lackeys mimic his movement. Not one of them takes their eyes off me as they keep backing up, until they disappear into the crowd who are looking at me with horror.

He thinks he rules this fucking school?

Game on, motherfucker!



Iwatch wide-eyed as Frost, fuck, I mean Kylo, loses his shit with Warrick. I’ve never heard anyone sound like that when they go psycho, but, fuck me, it’s kind of hot.
