Page 5 of Broken Prince

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No, it’s not, you idiot, he’s a Frost.My inner voice chastises me.

What the hell is it with men? They’re all the fucking same. Warrick calling me a bitch, like a piece of meat to be fought over. Then Kylo declaring I’ll be sitting on his dick by semester’s end. Yeah, in your fucking dreams, asshole.

Fuck, I always thought Warrick was a bit of a douche, but it’s becoming clearer how much of a dick he is. I have always made allowances and blamed his bad behavior on his shitty homelife; his dad isn’t likely to win a father of the year award. But now I’m beginning to think I’ve been wearing rose-colored glasses this whole time, unaware of what’s truly been going on around me. I know I haven’t exactly given Kylo a warm welcome, but to be fair, I thought he was someone else. Seeing the way everyone is rallying around Warrick to just be complete bullies is a little eye-opening.

This isn’t new though, I’ve seen it before, but I’ve never been as invested as I feel now—not that I’m invested in Kylo at all—so I haven’t really paid it much attention. But now that I really think about it, there have been so many times Warrick’s been pulled into the Principal’s office after an altercation. Each time, he’s come out of there, with the Principal agreeing that it was a misunderstanding.

I’m calling bullshit!

Warrick is obviously a bully, and I’ve been ignorant to it. He’s just as bad as my father, maybe worse. Although, at least with my dad you know he means what he says and will follow through on the threats he makes. Warrick plays the gracious and holier than thou preppy asshole to get away with shit, and I’ve been an accomplice in allowing that.

“Oh. My. God,” a voice squeals, making me wince in my hiding spot. “Did you see that?”

Chatter breaks out as the chaos begins to die down and the mass in the corridor begins to thin. A group of girls are to my right, cackling like a set of hormone-starved degenerates at the show we’ve all just seen. The crowd watched, horrified, as Brantley had to fight with Kylo to get him out of the corridor.

“What is with the male population and their obsession with Sam’s diseased pussy?” a nasally voice cackles, and my teeth protest with pain at how hard I’m clenching them.

“Shh, Carrie, you know she’ll lose her shit if she hears you say that,” her annoying little sidekick chastises her as she looks around the corridor franticly. Her ear-grating voice makes her sound like she has constant supply of helium running through her body.

“She’s a basic bitch anyway.” Delaney giggles as she stands next to her so-called besties. “We all know Warrick is only with her to keep her daddy happy.” They all snigger at one another.

I’ve had enough of this shit! I take a slow, measured step, bringing me out of my hiding spot, a nasty smile on my face. “You’re still salty Warrick turned your ass down last year, Delaney.” My smile turns feral as I step up to her and the squirrel-looking bestie of hers, Carrie Langley—I hate this bitch with a passion, and she’s always hated me for whatever reason.

“Ha! I turned him down, bitch.” Her voice comes out squeaker than I think she would have liked. I chuckle as I lift a questioning brow. “Why the fuck would I want to ride that when I know it’s been near you?”

“Aw, you really are salty, aren’t you?” I snigger, eyeing the cunt up and down. “I guess you're still moody because you think I slept with your boyfriend?” I chuckle darkly. “I’ve got news for you, sweetie… I didn’t.”

Gasps fill the air. “Yes you fucking did, bitch. I saw you and him fucking in his car out by the lake.” She glares daggers at me, her nostrils flaring.

I shake my head. “No, it wasn’t me, I was with Warrick that night, questioning him about you.” Her face pales a little. “I heard you threw yourself at him at the party the night before, and we got into a fight,” I say with a nonchalant scoff. “Do you really think being with him is so fucking perfect, that my life is all sunshine and rainbows?”

“It is, don’t try and deny it,” Carrie snipes, her hands on her hips.

“No, it really fucking isn’t. I don’t want it and neither would any of you!” All their eyes widen in shock, and Delaney’s mouth drops to the floor. She watches me with a scrutinizing eye as I shake my head, Carrie looks about a second away from starting again.

“You all may hate me for the life that you think I have, but I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy,” I say, my skin beginning to prickle like there are fire ants underneath the surface.

That’s to much information for people, you fucking idiot.I mentally chastise myself as I rub at my arms.

“Piss off, bitch,” Carrie grinds out through her teeth. “I know you fucked her boyfriend because she saw you doing it, why the fuck would she lie about that?”

I grind my teeth, trying my best to bite back my retort. If Delaney knew what I really know about that night, she would be heartbroken. I know I can be the biggest bitch ever, but destroying someone like that isn’t something I want to do because that would make me as bad as my father.

“If you want my advice, Delaney,” I begin with a soft tone, “Remember what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer,” I say, my eyes looking off to her side. I watch as all her friends’ mouths drop on the floor, and she glares daggers at me, disbelief clear on her face. The disbelief starts to turn to anger as the pink tinge shifts to a smattering of red at first before it engulfs her whole face. If this were a cartoon, I swear she’d have steam coming out of her ears right now. I blow them a kiss, waving just a little with the end of my fingers as I take off down the corridor, chuckling to myself. I really can’t be fucked with a cat fight today—plus, one more mark and my dad will probably kill me.

The area has quieted down, no doubt everyone is in their lessons, being the perfectly well-bred examples of students that their parents want them to be. I walk across the quad, enjoying the silence as I head to my car. I can’t believe we’ve only had one lesson and this shit has already happened, I haven’t had enough coffee for this shit.

I hit the unlock on my key-fob, and the bleep splits through the quiet, making me wince. To make sure no one is following me, I scan the area for a good couple of minutes. I breathe a sigh of relief when nothing immediately jumps out at me, and open my door as my father’s words echo through my head.

“I have eyes everywhere, Samantha, go to class. Don’t do anything that will go against our family name. I had one delinquent child and look how that turned out.”

A sharp pain stabs through my heart, the words playing on repeat. How could he think Jace was a bad kid? I know he wasn’t. My brother had a heart of gold for anyone and everyone. He was good; straight A’s throughout school, a whole load of after-school activities. He was the golden boy, the good one… nothing like me.

That’s why I can’t understand how everything went so wrong, why would he kill himself? There were no warning signs, nothing—didn’t he realize he could have come to me?

My world turned to ash that day, and if I’m honest, I resent him for it.

That’s a lie, I wish I could hate him for leaving me here to deal with the aftermath, but no matter what… he was my big brother and I loved him.
