Page 8 of Broken Prince

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I turn and grab a bottle from the cooler beside me, taking the joint from him. I make my way through the writhing bodies, my eyes on her the whole time. My steps are clumsy from the buzz, but she’s so lost in her own world she doesn’t hear me coming.

“Hey,” I say, and I burst out laughing as she jumps at my voice.

“What the fuck are you doing sneaking up on people, you asshole?” she demands, glaring at me as she folds her arms across her chest. My eyes are drawn to the movement, her tits are the perfect size. Woah! I spot ink coming up onto her shoulders from her back and I can see traces of it in between her cleavage.

“Didn’t take you for someone with ink,” I say in surprise, and she glares at me.

Pulling herself up to her full height, she tips her head back, exposing her neck to me. The urge to run my tongue from the bottom of her neck up to her ear has my dick standing to attention. “Did you seriously come over here to make shitty conversation?” she snaps.

“Here,” I say passing her the beer, her eyes narrow on it. She doesn’t accept it, looking at the bottle like I’ve laced it with something, before she glares up at me, her arms remaining folded. “I brought you this too,” I say with a smile.

“Take it as a peace offering. It looks like you're mad at the world for some reason,” I say, extending the joint toward her. She drops her chin, eyes going wide seeing what I’m offering. Then it whips back up, and she eyes me suspiciously as she chews on her bottom lip. Then her gaze bounces to the other people out in the garden.

“So, you want to talk about it?” I ask, my hands still outstretched. She exhales sharply, some of the tension leaving her shoulders as she takes the drink and smoke off me.

“Brantley?” she asks with a lifted brow; I smile even as a chuckle escapes me.

“What’re you doing over here for real, Frost,” she asks before taking a massive gulp of the bottle of corona.

“Firstly, I’m not a Frost so stop calling me that,” I demand, stepping closer to her. “Secondly, why the fuck is the hottest girl at this party standing in the shadows on her own?”

“Sure you're not,” she drawls sarcastically, taking another drink of the beer. “You look like Frost, you’re his long-lost brother and genes don’t lie. So yeah, no matter how much you try to run away from it… you’re a Frost.”

I rumble builds in my throat, pushing her back against the tree, and she stumbles a little at my power. Her eyes widen as she realizes the move has pushed us further into the shadows. I step closer, pushing my hips against hers. My knee moves between her legs, keeping her pinned to the tree, and I hear the beer hit the floor. “I may look like him, but you really need to learn, Shadow. I am nothing like my brother.”

“Sure you’re not, what’re you planning on doing to me here, huh?” she snaps, teeth gnashing together. “He hurt anyone and everyone he could, what really makes you so different?”

“Because, baby,” I purr, leaning in closer, my nose against her neck. I feel the shudder pass through her body. “I’ll only ever hurt you the way you’ll want me to,” I say, the tip of my tongue connecting with the junction of her neck where it meets her shoulder. I run my tongue up her neck like I wanted to do earlier. She doesn’t fight me, but I can hear the bark snapping under her grip.

“Now, what do you think about that?” I whisper against her neck; I feel another tremble pass over her. The urge is too strong, the voices are screaming in my head. I nip her lobe with my teeth, the moan that passes her lips has my dick throbbing against my zipper.

I pull back so I can get a good look at her face, my hand instantly wrapping around her throat and applying a hint of pressure. The gasp she makes at the connection has a feral smile spreading across my face, her eyes flutter open and the hostility that was there is gone. I quirk a brow, the tip of my tongue running across my bottom lip. Her eyes track the movement, her chest rises and falls rapidly. I lean forward. “Would you like to scream for me, Shadow?”

The question has our lips almost touching. Every time she exhales, I inhale. Her scent is mesmerizing, and as I take my fill of it, she just stares, her eyes never leaving my face as I keep her pinned to the tree. She opens her lips to say something, and they brush against mine. It’s like a bolt of electricity has just hit me full force.

“I…” her words, break off as she continues to pant under my gaze, I push my knee a little higher. The leather squeaks at the movement and I have to smile, her eyes widen a touch, and she runs her tongue along her lip, we both shudder as the tip touches my lips too.

“Sam!” the bellowed words break our connection as she jumps at the voice. “Where the fuck are you?”

“Let me go,” she says with a plea, I search her face, but it’s as if the shutters have come down and I can’t get a read on her.

“No!” I growl. “You’re out here on your own, and now he comes and barks orders you want to go running?” The thought of what’s going on is pissing me the fuck off. The buzz I had earlier is now a distant memory.

“Let me fucking go,” she bellows, grabbing hold of my balls as she squeezes them in warning. The pain has my dick throbbing as I welcome the feeling.

“Oh baby, do it again,” I groan in pleasure, her eyes widen and I chuckle as I squeeze her neck harder. “That’s a serious turn on for me.” I run my tongue across the seam of her lips, laughing as I pull away. Her eyes are murderous as I smirk at her, I let go of her neck and she does the same to my junk. I take a step back, giving her minimal space, and she pushes past me, shoulder checking me as she does.

“We’re not finished,” I growl, and she stumbles forward. I catch her to stop her from face-planting the floor.

“Sam! I mean it, get your fucking ass here now,” Warrick bellows again. My teeth grind together as she steps out of my hold and into the open. I turn to watch her go, making sure I’m still in the shadows. She doesn’t look back once; my teeth grind harder as he grips hold of her arm just above her elbow. I track my way through the trees, keeping her in my line of sight. Unease swirls in my gut, I don’t like the guy because he has what’s mine. But it’s more than that, the whole vibe he gives off is too perfect and I get a really shitty feeling off him every time he’s around.

“Any particular reason why you’re acting like a complete stalker?” Brantley says, sneaking up behind me, I didn't even hear his footsteps, I was so engrossed in what was going on in front of me.

“I'm not being stalkerish, I'm keeping an eye on what belongs to me,” I say with a dark chuckle. His eyes widen in shock. “Plus, don’t tell me you don’t get the same vibe as me off that asshole?”

“I see your point,” he agrees with a sharp tone. One of the things I’ve learned since being here is that most people don’t like Warrick, even though he’s declared himself the king of the school and the sheep go along with it blindly.

“Who the fuck were you back there with?” My attention gets pulled away from Brantley as the whole area quiets down to listen to Shadow and him argue. Thank fuck he’s let go of her arm now which is a saving grace on his part, so I don’t have to remove the fucking thing. But seeing how aggressive he was with her, I’ll definitely be keeping a closer eye on him.
