Page 9 of Broken Prince

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“I wasn’t with anyone, you psycho!” she snaps. “You know what I’m like when we party, I just needed some fresh air,” she says as a way to pacify him.

He takes the bullshit answer as true, and a smirk tips the edges of my lips as we watch them head back to the house. He walks through the doors first, as she steps through, she turns around, eyes narrowed on the spot I’m still in. She heads back inside, and the noise starts off once again.

“We getting wasted?” I turn to Brantley, a huge grin on my face as he wiggles his brows at me.

“Lead the way,” I say with a chuckle. He takes off toward the house, I follow at a slower pace. Taking in the faces that eye me suspiciously, a couple noticed the spot I came out of. Their brows dropping to frowns as they eye the back door of the house and then me.

“Problem?” They both shake their head; I can see their hands trembling as they look down at the ground.

Their eyes stay on the ground as I make my way toward the house to catch Brantley, no doubt he’s probably five shots in by now. The thought has me chuckling, if I have to carry his ass home tonight, I’m going to be pissed. I open the door, the music hitting me full force. Damn they’re really going off here tonight. I thought the people I knew back home knew how to party, but these rich pricks put the icing on the cake.

I find Brantley at the kitchen island pouring shots with a huge smile on his face, and he offers me one with a wink. His excitement is infectious. I take the drink off him, lifting my hand with a smile, and throw it back. He chuckles at how quickly it went down, and before the glass even touches the island, he’s passed me another one, which I throw back as well.

The buzz that I already have skyrockets as the alcohol takes effect, and the room starts to spin a little. I burst out laughing as I stumble back, and Brantley’s laughter echoes mine as he goes to grab hold of me and he trips, face planting the floor.

“Are you meant to be down there?” I ask with a chuckle, bending down to drag his ass up.

“It just looked so comfy,” he says with a mischievous smirk. My eyes widen as I pull back, but he grips me above my left elbow and I grab the island with my right hand. My fingers scream in pain, and I try to keep myself on my feet as he tries to pull me onto the floor, laughing like a maniac.

He suddenly lets go and the grip I had fails me as I fall on my ass onto the marble floor. I scramble to get my feet beneath me and manage to pull myself up, then I grip him by the back of his t-shirt, hauling him to his feet too. I notice his eyes are drawn to something over my shoulder, and I look over to find a guy eyeing him up shamelessly. I chuckle darkly as I turn my attention back to my friend.

“Have you hit that before?” I ask as I turn so both of them are in my sights, it takes a minute for him to answer me.

“Huh?” I laugh again. “No, he doesn’t go to our school,” he says.

“Well, what’re you waiting for, Tiger?” I growl, slapping him on the ass with enough force to push him forward a step. “Go get ‘em.”

I grab a beer from the countertop, and with a final encouraging wink, I head off to the front room where most of the party goers are. I find an empty spot on the wall and I lean back, taking in all the couples dry humping each other.

“How’re you doing, gorgeous?” a sultry voice says, a blonde stepping into my line of view. I quirk a questioning brow, taking another sip of my beer as she presses up against me, fluttering her eyelashes. “What’s your name?”

“Kylo. You are?” I ask looking her over, she’s pretty enough. Not my usual type, but she’d give someone a decent boner.

“Carrie. Carrie Langley, nice to meet you,” she says with a purr, her hand running up the front of my t-shirt. “You want to dance, baby?”

“I’m not much of the dancing type,” I say with a smile. Her eyes widen and the edge of her tongue runs across her lip. She pushes her tits closer to me as she leans forward. “But you think you can show me?” I say, brushing my hand across her shoulder.


I don’t have a chance to work out what the hell’s happening before she’s launched across the floor, screaming like a banshee. A body collides with hers, throwing savage blow after blow, and the blonde is wailing on the floor, desperately trying to cover her face. I remain frozen, stunned for a second before my eyes are drawn to her attacker,what the fuck?Shadow is positioned over her, looking like the angel of death, and I toss my drink to the side, rushing forward. I grip her around the throat, keeping my pressure light so as not to hurt her, and pull her back against my chest. The feral sound coming from her has my dick jumping to attention once again. She scratches at my arm, trying to break my hold, and I circle my other arm around her stomach, pulling her closer to me.

“Relax, Shadow,” I growl against her ear, and she goes limp in my arms, the fight leaving her. People rush over to help the blonde girl, who’s still screaming on the floor like a wounded animal. I pull Shadow back further, allowing the crowd to swallow us as I drop my arm from around her stomach. Spinning her around, I push her up against the wall, and she makes a noise at me like an animal at me as I step closer, bringing myself flush against her taut little body.

“Explain,” I demand, eyes glued to hers. Her upper lip curls up into a snigger as she stares off over my shoulder.

“What set you off?” I ask, my voice gentle as I keep my eyes on her. A mixture of emotions flashes behind her eyes before she narrows them at me.

“You really want to go there with that?” she spits, the sound as harsh as glass breaking.

“Jealous?” I chuckle, pressing closer and running my tongue under the side of her jaw. I have to hold back the smirk as she shudders in my hold.

“No, why the hell would I be jealous of you two?” she snaps, and I snigger into her neck. I’m going to dream about the way she feels in my hold. I pull back, a cocky smirk on my face as her eyes narrow to slits, “I was saving you from getting some disease you could catch from her. I wouldn’t put anyone though that, even someone I hate.”

“So, you hate me now, huh?” I say. Pulling my attention away from her, I take in the room. I find everyone still pandering to the blonde like she’s mortally wounded. “Or is it that you hate that you want me as much as I want you?”

“I don’t want you,” she says, pushing into my hold. The fact she’s fighting me and showing her spunk has me wanting to rip her clothes off and fuck her, here and now, until she knows who she belongs with.

