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“Yeah! They didn’t let us do shit”.

“Dude, who cares? The agent that was in charge was hot as fuck.”

“Gross, Mike. She had man arms.”

Mike laughed. “That means she can take all of this.” He looked around to see if there were any superiors watching before gyrating his hips.


“You’re still too young to appreciate a real woman, Alex, but in time.” As the cops walked away, I heard Mike added, “Man, we don’t get paid enough. We need a vacation. I still have that special agent’s number…”

“Sir?” The receptionist grabbed my attention.

I got up and handed her the documents I had filled out. She scanned them in, made some notes, and waited for a printout. She handed me a receipt. “They are processing the paperwork now. Take this to the cashier’s cage.”

I gave her my thanks, did as I was instructed, and waited. Not too long after, Eden’s mother was out processed. However, I heard a commotion from behind the cell bars.

“Drag her out,” one of the guards commanded.

“No—I don’t want to go! Only my daughter would come. I don’t know this man!”

Another officer rushed down the corridor to assist.

I didn’t have to wait much longer. They dragged her raggedy self out. I thanked the officers as they shoved her toward me, promising to get her some mental health even as she begged them not to abandon her with me. Good. The bitch should be scared.

I gripped her upper shoulder and dragged her out. She wailed all the way to the car. She then started calling me names.

Irritated beyond measure, I threw her body against the car door and gripped her neck in my hand. “Listen here, you fucking cunt,” I breath the words in her face stopping myself from snarling. “If I hear another fucking disrespectful word from you, I will cut your tongue out and feed it to that pitiful man you call a brother.”

She shuddered, clamping her mouth tightly closed.

Blessed silence.

“Get the fuck in.” I whirled her around, shoved her ass into the passenger seat, then slammed the door, narrowly missing her foot in the process.

I walked around the car trying to calm myself down. This woman made me want to rip my fucking eyes out just from being in her presence. I don’t know how my Eden put up with her.

Once I started the ignition, we sped off.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Don’t worry about it.”

I could see her eye the door handle. “Will Eden be there?”

“Of course.”

She grumbled under her breath but settled into her seat.

We drove out of the city, but instead of heading toward the shore, we went in the opposite direction, taking the backroads into the rural farmlands. I had a connection that I sometimes used when I didn’t feel like sinking my kill.

I turned down a dirt road, and the pungent smell of a commercial hog farm burned my nose. But here, in this particular area, people minded their business. No one even lifted their head as we drove to the very end of the pens. There was a special crossbreed of swine not raised for human consumption. Rather, it was the other way around.

“Get out,” I commanded as I parked in front of a low wooden fence.

As soon as I stepped out, I could hear them. Their shuffles and snorts growing louder as they hear us coming upon them. These pigs were made special. They were raised on human flesh. They would savagely rip apart and eat any body thrown into their midst, dead or alive. Then when they shit out anything they couldn’t digest, the farmer and his family took care of it.

They’ve been farmers in the mafia for decades. Passed down from generation to generation.
