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“Where is she?” her mother’s voice grated on my ears.

“At the house up ahead, but I told her I would show you my prize pig collection before we went.” I waved toward the fence. “Go take a look.”

“Prized pigs?” She blinked. “Why would I know anything about pigs?”

I shrugged. “These pigs are unlike any other.”

She waved a hand in front of her face, shooing me off. “You don’t even know that Eden hates pigs. She wouldn’t be caught dead around them. I know my pumpkin.”

“I told Eden I would make nice with you. I got you out of jail, right? Now go look at my fucking pigs.”

She started sobbing. “The house is gone, my brother is God knows where, and I have lost both my daughters.” She looked crazed. “One is dead, but the other one abandoned me. Ungrateful, little bitch.”

“Don’t speak about Eden that way,” I warned. If she continued bad mouthing my woman, she wouldn’t make it to the hog pen before I broke her neck.

Eden’s mother didn’t realize it, but these were to be her last words. I would memorize them in case my precious Eden wanted to hear them once more.

“Brianna abandoned me too—in a different way.” She looked to sky as if to curse her daughter’s spirit. “You think I did something wrong when I was just trying to protect him from a world that would judge him. He needed you, and you were his sweet baby girl, but you abandoned him like Eden abandoned me.” She stormed over to me. “I cannot get Brianna back, but I can rescue Eden. For the both of us.”

That was all the disgusting bullshit I could fucking take. It wasn’t hard to figure out what Eden’s mom meant. She sacrificed one child, and now would do the same to Eden, given the chance.

I reached into my suit pocket and withdrew my serrated knife. This one was my favorite weapon. Light and durable, while capable of causing enormous unnecessary pain. And I loved when they suffered for their sins.

Lord knew I wasn’t a good man, but I didn’t condone child rape. And while I had been banished from my family for such, had I known about the trafficking they dabbled in, I would have killed them myself. By the time I found out, the damage had been done. Either way, those men were gone, and I was here with this bitch. And I was going to not only avenge Eden, but her sister as well.

Like a flash of lightning, I slashed the knife across her stomach. Her blood arced spraying me in the chest as she gasped in surprise. I stepped forward. She stepped backward towards the pen. Another step back. She stumbled as she clutched her belly in her effort to flee from me.

When she rested against the railing, sobbing as she tried to hold in her organs, the first pig came and took a sniff. Brutal bastard, filled with blood lust, got on his hind legs and bit into her upper arm. She screamed as the sheer weight of the beast jerking her backward dragged her over the fence and into the muck. His snout was inside of her bulging stomach the moment she landed. The rest of the herd jumped in.

They tore her limb from limb as they tried to steal pieces of her flesh from each other. I lit a cigar and watched. I wanted my Eden to be safe. This was the first step towards that.

My little Eden didn’t need family. She didn’t need anyone but me.

I tapped out my cigar and brushed off my suit. Next on the chopping block would be that creepy uncle, but I didn’t have time. I had to get back to Eden before she awoke. There would be another opportunity, I’m certain.

What I felt for Eden was greater than my very existence in this universe. I would give my life for hers without question. Some might call it obsession. I called it love.

If I were a normal man, I would probably feel guilty about the lengths I’d gone to just to get her. But I was no ordinary man. I would do anything for her. I would burn this fucking world down if I had to. She was mine. And she would only be mine.



I was having a nightmare.My sister was lying beside me, like we used to when we were young. “Can I tell you a secret?” Brianna asked.

Unable to speak, I simply nodded.

“Uncle is a bad man. A very bad man. And I hate him.”

While my mom swore she and my uncle were the best of friends, through the eyes of an adult, I realized there was no love lost between my younger sister and him. She always left the room when he came around. She never wanted to be alone at the house with him. She claimed it was because she didn’t need a babysitter. I figured it was because he wouldn’t allow boys to sneak into her room like mom did.

But why would she hate a man who dotted on her?

They went on amazing trips together like Las Vegas and New York. I was never allowed to go because my mother said I needed to focus on dance, that my sister and my uncle had a special bond.

Though, my uncle often went to my recitals, so I guess there was that. He always fixed my outfits for me. Even when I thought they were perfect, he would find something out of place and correct it for me so I would shine like the star I was. He often stretched and pulled and adjusted my leotard so it wouldn’t rub my private areas raw.Is it rubbing here? Let me feel. It seems tight.

“Eden. Promise me that you will never go near him,” Brianna implored. “He’s dangerous.”
