Page 25 of Mine

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Besides, why should Michael have all the fun?



My head is down when I walk back into the cabin, so I don’t see him at first, but once I make it a few steps into the kitchen, I know I’m not alone.

The sound of my scream rings out at the same time my hand launches a glass bottle across the kitchen before I can even blink.

Who knew I had the reflexes of a ninja?

Reflexes, maybe. Skill? Definitely not.

As the large man easily twice the size of Dale dodges the projectile, I make a break for the doorway leading into the rest of the house.

I need to warn everyone. Plus, it will take all six of us to kick this guy’s ass.

But the air barely leaves my lungs before his large hand covers half my face. He is all muscle, as his arms snake their way around me tight enough to squeeze out any chance of screaming or even talking.

I can barely breathe.

And the fight quickly leaves me. My struggles ease until I’m barely trying to escape his tight grasp.

His hot breaths sound against my ear, muffled by that creepy fucking Halloween mask.

I’ve seen something similar every time I force Amy to watch Batman with me, not that I had to say more than the name Christian Bale to get her to watch it.

The thought reminds me that my friends are upstairs, clueless that a masked weirdo has me restrained in the kitchen.

With what little strength I have left, I try to force my body forward and away from him. But it doesn’t work. His hand is bruisingly tight on my waist, his forearm crushing my stomach.

His other hand has not moved from muffling my screams. I try to suck in air, but I can just smell him, taste him.

I’m only able to take short, shallow breaths. The lack of oxygen starts to get to me, and a nauseous, dizzy feeling rolls through me from my head to my stomach, where it settles heavy and uncomfortable.

I’m going to be sick. My throat screams in pain for air. Oh God, can you pass out mid-vomit?

Struggling isn’t working. He just holds tighter, and my fight leaves with my air. I slump back, leaning into his hold.

My arm feels heavy, and my hand small against his. The glove covering his hand is soft as I tap it with mine.

I keep my touch soft and gentle, hoping he will understand. I’ll keep quiet if he lets me breathe. If he lets me live for a moment longer.

My vision is darkening, the small light in the room almost completely gone. That’s when he moves.



My arm rises with her stomach as Charlotte sucks in as much air as she can, but her lungs protest, and her body shudders against mine as she coughs and coughs.

“Slow, deep breaths,” I encourage, stroking her throat with my hand.

I feel the whimper she gives at my voice modulator before I hear it.

We stand there quietly as Charlotte tries to control her sputtering coughs.

Her scream earlier surprised me, though it shouldn’t have. She’s terrified, just like the rest of them were.
