Page 27 of Mine

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My cry of distress is muffled once more by my capturer’s hand, though this time, at least, I can breathe.



I smother Charlotte’s frantic cry, the sight of Michael sending her into near hysterics.

Her small body shudders against mine. Although muffled, I can still hear what she’s trying to ask.

“Who?” She wants to know which of her friends are gone.

Michael either can’t understand her or chooses to ignore her, but when Charlotte doesn’t get the answer she needs, her imploring eyes turn to me.

Her body fully sinks into mine, her chin raised so high that the back of her head rests on my chest.

My whole body tingles from not just the contact but also the way she’s looking at me; like I can fix this for her.

And excitement runs through me even stronger. The need to get her beneath me is unbelievable, almost unbearable. Because despite her being terrified, her mind knows that she needs me on some level.

“Who’s left?” I ask my brother, my eyes on Charlotte the whole time.

I watch through the material of my mask, my view patchy as her eyes widen with realization that our plans are much darker than she thought. The burlap makes my vision hazy, but nothing could hide the horror that settles on her face.

“Front bedroom, two doors down on the left. A couple is in there, and they’re fucking, loudly,” he tells me, careful not to say my name and reveal who we are. You never know if cameras are on or if something is recording nearby.

Besides, I kind of like my girl not knowing who I am just yet. It adds a thrill that I had not expected. Let her fight her body’s reaction because if her earlier squirms and beaded nipples tell me anything, Charlotte is reacting to me now just as much as she did this morning.

“I was going for the little prick who tried to use her to get his dick wet,” Michael says, nodding to Charlotte. His voice is deeper than normal, distorted by his own modulator. “But his room was empty. Seems he’s waiting in the back bedroom on the ground floor.”

Charlotte isn’t the only one who stills at Michael’s words.

That little fucker!He’s waiting in her room, and I don’t think it’s for a friendly chat.

Anger fills my chest, and I know I’ll be asking my brother for another favor in the near future.

Maybe I can’t give up the lead for the night, after all. At least, not completely.

Charlotte whimpers, tapping on the inside of my clothed wrist. A plea.

In my anger, my hold on her has tightened again.

Somehow, I manage to pull her even closer to my body. At this point, I don’t think even water could come between us.

I breathe her in. She smells like honey and cinnamon. But under that, she smells like the woods surrounding this house, the town where I have always lived and where she will now live.

She smells like home.

I need her to understand why she needs to be with me, to know that I am not only the one who can protect her but the only one who will.

“What do you think he’s doing in there, little girl?” I ask with a growl, my voice even harsher than I intended as it passes through the modulator. “What do you think he’ll do if I send you in there alone? Will he want to just talk? Or will he try to force himself on you? Like he did in this very spot?” I’m being harsh and mean, but I need her to know what I have saved her from, that I am not just her villain but also her savior.

“Do you think he’d push you down and force his cock into your pussy? Hmm? Should I let him?” It’s rhetorical, of course, because I’d die before I let anyone other than myself touch her body, but Charlotte answers me anyway in the form of a whimper and a quick shake of her head.

My gloves become wet as her tears roll down her cheeks and onto my hand.

It makes my chest ache. My heart tells me to comfort her, but this is what I wanted, what I need; for her to hate him. Maybe then she’ll be okay with what comes next. She’ll know that it is to protect her.

But most of all, I need her to know just who she belongs to.
