Page 58 of Mine

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His arm snaps out, his hand wrapping around my neck before I can even blink.

“You are never leaving.” His grip is tight but not painful. Enough to remind me who is in charge . . . like I need it.

“I’m sorry.” I am, for many things.

Letting me go, Daniel stands tall, his chest heaving as he claws in more air.

“That is my bed you’re sitting in, my cum that drips out of your pussy.” His words are laced with disgust, and it’s the worst pain I have ever felt.

“I’m sorry,” I repeat. I need him to believe me.

He ignores me and steps into a pair of sweatpants. His movements are stiff and forced.

But he doesn’t speak to me again and motions for Michael to leave. I scramble off the bed when Daniel goes to follow him.

Crying, I rush to the door, banging as he secures it behind him without so much as a look in my direction.

I hit the locked door a few more times before my body wracks from my sobs.

Slumping to the floor naked, I cry for what I have just done, the peace between us that I ruined, and for the lives lost just the day before.



He hates me.The same words echo around my head, my inner voice taking a break from telling me what a bitch I am.

Daniel has been kind and giving to me no matter what he did. But now I ruined it. And for what? I hadn’t meant the words, even as I said them.

I wipe at my face, my tears never-ending.

Lying on the crumpled bedding, I strain to hear anything from the floors below.

He never came back, not even to sleep. I’ve been stuck in this room for almost a day with nothing but my thoughts for company. My skin is itching for me to get out. Michael brought food in this morning, but I didn’t even move. My limbs feel heavy, and I’m uninterested in food. Always a first.

Something Michael was not happy about when he saw the food untouched at dinnertime. Switching the plates out, he had uttered a few words of how I needed to eat.

I hadn’t. I’m still lying in the same place, my mind racing with questions of whether Daniel still needs me or if he even still wants me.

The bedroom door opens, but I ignore it, thinking it’s Michael with more food.

My eyes fly open as the bed dips behind me. A smell surrounds me, his smell. Wood, earthy, and spice.


Soft kisses caress my thigh, and my breath hitches. Teeth sink into the round of my ass cheek. A sob escapes me when his lips kiss the small of my back and continue to the nape of my neck.

“No leaving.” He’s not asking, but I answer anyway.

“Yes, sir.”

“Good girl.”

I shiver at the praise; he owns me with those words.

Pushing up onto my hands and knees, I turn, needing to see his face.

“I didn’t mean it,” I rush, trying to reassure him. My voice cracks. “I want to stay with you. I promise.”
