Page 59 of Mine

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His hands rub at my naked back, our fronts plastered together.

Daniel hums, trying to soothe me, his hands stroking from my hair to my ass.

It works. Within minutes, he calms my body.

I whimper as he pulls away, but a kiss to my nose quickly soothes me.

“If you ever try to leave again, I will not leave you alone in the room as punishment.” I frown. That’s a terrible threat because I don’t want him to leave. “I will stay and punish you. Do you understand?”

I agree quickly. “Yes, sir.”

One solid nod lets me know I’m forgiven before he climbs from the bed.

“Eat, then change. My brothers are waiting,” he orders, lifting the food tray next to me. Chicken and rice.

It’s cold and looks unappetizing, but I have never wanted to follow an order more. Lifting a forkful of rice, I make sure he’s watching as I put it in my mouth. His smile spreads warmth through me until it settles and grows in my chest.

I rush to eat the food, and after a few warnings to slow down, Daniel takes the fork from me, feeding me bite-sized pieces until the plate is cleared.

“Good girl.” He rewards me with another kiss on my nose.

I beam at him, happy he’s pleased.

I dress quickly, thankfully into my own clothes from my weekend bag, minus a bra.

My nipples pebble and brush against the wool of my sweater at the thought of why he wouldn’t give me one. The memory of the outhouse table makes me blush just as we meet his brothers at the steps of the cabin porch.

Hand in hand, we follow his brothers as we all walk toward the forest.

The grounds really are beautiful. I could see from the window that the trees lining both sides of the long winding drive are tall and thick. But as we cross the drive and walk into the trees, the sheer size of the lake that the house sits on the edge of really registers. It has to be the same lake the camp sits on.

It’s quiet here. Peaceful, almost otherworldly.

The three brothers walk in silence, one that says they are used to it. The new man is tall but shorter than Michael and Daniel. He’s lean and sporty with a runner’s body, but unlike his brothers, he has light hair.

He and Michael walk ahead, but he keeps peeking back every few minutes, his gaze glued to where Daniel has linked our hands.

“Kaleb,” Daniel tells me, motioning to his brother.

Kaleb grins. “Holy fuck.”

“Takes some getting used to,” Michael tells him, slapping his little brother on the shoulder.

Confused, I look up at Daniel, who simply shrugs.

We keep walking at a steady pace. Daniel is happy for us to hang back while Kaleb and Michael playfully shove at each other, occasionally adding us in on their banter. But for the most part, Daniel and I walk in silence because words are not needed.

We stick to a well-worn path for around twenty minutes before veering off into the trees. Empty branches dominate the sky, blocking out some of the wind. Crispy leaves crunch under his heavy boots.

By the time we reach our destination, my feet ache. Something sharp stabs at my heel. My sneakers were not made for traipsing through the woods and have let more than one stone inside.

I try to pull my hand away, but Daniel is reluctant. I point toward a fallen log, showing him where I want to go.

Instead of releasing me, he escorts me over and brushes debris off the top, knocking away as much dirt as he can.

“Thanks,” I whisper with a smile.

Messing with my shoe, I sigh as I’m forced to take it off and shake it. I grin as the stones drop to the forest floor.
