Page 20 of Genevieve

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“I gave you one job Abel.” I snicker and kiss her cheek.

“She’ll be at the grave site. They wouldn’t let her come here.” I motion to all the people, and she nods.

“I see. Well, thank you.” I squeeze her hand as the Priest starts the services.

I’m not a very religious person. I mean, I believe in a high power cause we can’t be all there is, right? But faith on a godly level is lost on me. So I sit politely, stand when I have to, sit or kneel the whole time, thinking these people would do better going down to the neighborhood gym once a week for all the guidance this schmuck is giving.

“Hey,” I hiss at Josette since she elbowed me.

“Have some respect in the house of God.” She crosses herself and closes her eyes as we’re all told to pray again.

I keep myself in line through the rest of the service and all the way to the cemetery. We lay the Admiral to rest, and then finally, I see the FBI agents that Marisol recommended escorting her to the hole in the ground.

We all watch on from the street, waiting by our bikes. All drenched from the heavy rain falling around us. Luckily leather is waterproof.

“Fucking bullshit, man. She couldn’t even see him one last time.” Dragon is bouncing on the balls of his feet, annoyed.

“Not sure she even really wanted to. Finding him dead was probably bad enough.” Chaos says from next to him.

“What the fuck.” Satan growls, and I look up in time to see Genevieve being jerked around by one of the officers.

I walk up to them, ready to throw hands. The fucker has the handcuffs on her so tight her hands are turning purple.

“Are you trying to make a statement manhandling her? Cause I gotta say, my money is on her having the bigger dick.” I spit the words out while the rest of the club flanks me.

“I care what you think, why?” He shakes Genevieve like a doll, and Satan growls.

“Abel Brooks, Esquire. I’m Ms. Davenport’s attorney. Among other things, you are being recorded. So please do continue with your mistreatment of my client.” I announce to him while pointing up at the drones I had recording the whole service today.

The asshole just spins her around and drags her to the SUVs they arrived in. I step up to her back and whisper so she can hear me.

“The appeal hearing is in three hours. Bail will not be an issue if they grant it.” I frown when she smiles sadly at me.

“You know they aren’t going to grant bail on the murder of a four-star Admiral.” Before I can respond, the asshole shoves her into the backseat and slams the door shut.

I step into the son of a bitches face and let every ounce of malice I have out in my words.

“I don’t know your name, but I can promise you no one will give a shit who you are once I’m done with you. If she is in any way harmed when I step foot in that courtroom in three hours, I will find you.” I feel someone grabbing my shoulder and trying to pull me away, but I don’t budge until I see the truth of my words in this motherfuckers eyes.

I step back, and he gets into the SUV.

“THREE HOURS!” I yell at the thing while it drives away with a feeling that I may be lying to her hits me hard.

“Doc, get your wife on the line and find out who the fuck that asshole is and why she recommended the prick.” He walks away with his phone at his ear before I finish speaking.

“You good, son?” Pops and Cane stand on either side of me while I try to calm down.

It isn’t until Doc yells three words at us that the feeling I had makes sense.

“THAT’S NOT THEM!” While Doc explains what I already know, I turn and look for any sign of the SUVs, but they’re gone.

Bishop takes queen, check.



Isit on my bike quietly and watch as the FBI agents who were supposed to be protecting Genevieve damn near cut her hands off with handcuffs, throw her into the piece of shit Ford Explorers and then drive off in the POSs. I didn’t make it two feet before Bear grabbed me in a hug so tight I could barely breathe.
