Page 21 of Genevieve

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He dropped me on my feet just as Doc proclaimed that those assholes who took her aren’t the FBI friends Marisol called. Their plane was delayed, and replacements were sent instead. Abel is on the phone with the courthouse trying to confirm if Genevieve is there but was put on hold.

“How far away from Baltimore are we?” I ask out loud, and Eagle is the one who answers.

“In a car, an hour. On bikes, forty minutes.” I pull my cell out of my pocket and call my father.

“Miya.” He answers, and I grit my teeth.

“I’m heading to the Fukuma docks in Baltimore. I suggest you evacuate them in the next thirty minutes.” Abel’s eyes meet mine when he hears my words.

“Owari.” I hang up.

“Karma?” Satan is looking between Abel and me.

“My father is involved in this somehow. He basically confirmed it when I saw him last.” Dragon hands Abel his laptop, and he starts typing.

“Are we moving on the docks under the assumption that is where she is being taken?” Satan asks, cracking his knuckles.

“Not an assumption. Government vehicles mean Lojacks. GPS has those fuckers heading into Maryland right now. They have a twenty-minute head start. Why don’t we see how fast we can catch up?” He slams the laptop closed and climbs on his bike.

Wrench being the only member who will not ride, takes the laptop from him and gets into his Hummer. My phone chimes, and I look at a text from my father.


It’s almost like he’s actually helping us. Which tells me he’s after something when this is over. I’ll worry about that after we get Genevieve back. Time is running out.

“Abel! What about court?” I yell over the bikes, and he points to Doc.

“Marisol has Aiden working his magic.” I nod and look at Satan, who’s waiting beside me.

“Let’s go get your girl back.” I nod and follow close behind him, exiting the cemetery.

We make it in thirty-eight minutes and find the docks empty, but for a pair of SUVs parked outside a warehouse my father owns along the pier. I’m sure it’s meant for storage of some type, but it seems unused and abandoned.

“I don’t like it.” Eagle hisses as he looks around the warehouse and docks through his scope.

We couldn’t pull up without giving ourselves away, so instead, we are all a few blocks away in a parking garage with clear lines of sight.

“Getting my drones into position. I want eyes on what’s going on in that warehouse.” Abel is leaning on Wrench’s Hummer, using the hood as a desk. He’s got the joystick out, and a few moments later, two drones go whizzing past our heads.

“Fast little fuckers.” I say under my breath.

“I have movement, back west corner,” Pinky says from a few feet away, where she’s covering the back end of the building with another rifle and scope.

“It’s Anton.” She hisses.

The sound of rifles being chambered snaps me out of my stupor, and I turn to run for the exit. My only thought is getting Genevieve out of that warehouse before she ends up like her father. Cold and dead in a puddle of her own blood.

“Not so fast. You aren’t a ninja Karma. Let’s handle this right. I have eyes on her. Eagle will put a bullet in his head before he gets a chance to hurt her.” Abel holds me even tighter.

“Cannibal let her and Dragon get on ground level. If they need to move in, we’ll single.” Satan’s words jar me.

“Eagle, do you have a clean shot?” He’s been quiet and hasn’t moved from his scope.

“No, but I do.” I sigh at Pinky’s voice and nod at Dragon.

“Let’s go,” I motion at Abel.

“I will burn the whole fucking dock down if he so much as slaps her. Then I’ll give you the same bruises. Don’t fuck this up.” I don’t wait for his answer.
