Page 22 of Genevieve

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“FUCK.”I hiss once Karma and Dragon clear the area the rest of us are stationed in.

The sound echoes in the empty garage, and it makes me cringe. Cane laughs, and my father’s deep chuckle makes my head hurt.

“Fifty on Karma.” Dad says, and Cane shakes his head.

“A hundred on Judge. She’s going to fuck him up.” They shake, and I turn to my laptop.

“Focus, assholes. I don’t need any distractions.” I watch my laptop screen and wish I could get some audio because I’m sure the conversation being had is epic.

Anton’s motions get more animated, and he moves closer to Judge’s face. She stands her ground and doesn’t even shutter. It’s at this moment that I’m sure her balls are bigger than mine.

“Hold,” I say for Eagle and Pinky.

Anton is showing her something on his phone. Judge snatches it from him and then laughs in his face. When she’s done, it gets shoved into his chest. He grabs it and raises his hand as if to smack her with the phone.

“Take out the phone.” Pinky’s rifle goes off, and the bullet she fired leaves a hole in the window of the warehouse.

I watch the phone in Anton’s hand explode, and then he clutches his hand to his chest, looking around. Once I have the drone inside, I activate the microphone.

“Congressmen Blair, how good to see you. Wave to your constituents back in Nevada. Is there a reason you have your half-sister in this warehouse after kidnapping her from FBI custody?” I watch his face as my voice and words register.

“Stop playing with our prey Cannibal.” Satan snaps.

I tap the earpiece I’m wearing, wondering if it is transmitting or not since I’m not getting any audio back. Genevieve has backed away from him, knowing we have multiple guns on his position. Karma and Dragon have disposed of the FBI agents who delivered Judge here, and Anton’s driver hasn’t left his car.

“Let’s not do anything we’ll all regret. I can have her charges dropped with one phone call, and you can all go back to Paradise one big happy family.” I raise my eyebrow at the look of pure serenity on his face.

He really thinks there will not be any repercussions to his actions here.

“And this feed can be live on TMZ and Twitter in a push of a button. I’m not seeing any reason not to press it.” He nods and smiles.

“Your clubhouse and all your love ones for my safe exit.” I laugh at his arrogant offer.

“I don’t negotiate with traitors, politicians, or assholes. So here’s my counter offer. You take Genevieve’s place in jail where you belong for the murder of your father, selling of women, and numerous counts of child pornography that you so love to get off on. You now have three seconds to accept.” I watch Karma and Dragon move into position at both exits to the room Anton and Genevieve are in.

“Blow it,” Anton says, and then my laptop alarms start going haywire.

All the messages say the same thing.

Fire detected at clubhouse.



My ears ring after 17 shots are fired off into the stormy sky. The cemetery is a sea of white uniforms and mourners dressed in black, the only color now resting on my lap, a neatly folded flag with the blue facing me, four stars mocking me.

The eulogy I was not able to give read by Sebastian “Satan” Cole was full of respect and fond memories. The mood is somber throughout the service as so many questions have been left unanswered. Anger was at the forefront of many in attendance, myself included.

But most of all, sorrow was reflected by the weather today as we all stand and watch the casket being lowered into the ground. The final resting place of honor for one of our dearly beloved. A fallen brother we will never be able to hold again.

Death is unavoidable. As are the men who are waiting in the shadows for the end of the service today. They watch me closely, so I don’t try to escape. They aren’t here to pay respects to my family and me. They are here to ensure that the murderer doesn’t get away.

Because how dare the innocent escape while the guilty walk free. After all, this time and all my hard work to be betrayed by the system I’ve sworn to protect and honor is a cruel twist of fate. One that I am sure my opponent calculated perfectly to his advantage.

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