Page 33 of Genevieve

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Fitting. Southern women are something else.

“Abel’s right, mama. You can’t use faith when it only suits you.” Genevieve lifts up off the floor and joins Karma on the couch once again.

Their hands find each other and clasp like magnets. I’ve never in all my life seen a couple more deserving of love than these two. They never meant to hide but keep private because of the public’s inability to recognize that the saying love is blind isn’t just about people’s actions. No, it’s much deeper. Love sees no color, gender, or religion. The world would be a much better place when it figures that out.

“I am sorry for my part in all of this,” Josephine whispers.

“We’re not here to point fingers or get apologies for things we can not change. We are here to inform our daughters of their future.” Hiro slumps in his chair.

His body is betraying him.

“Otosan?” Karma watches her father with a frown.

“Mr. Brooks, please explain.” He uses the last of his strength to get the words out while he pulls at the collar of his shirt.

He starts coughing, and a maid comes into the room with a tray full of medication. She grabs an inhaler and helps him. Karmas eyes ping pong between her father and me. Once his coughing stops, he remains in the chair with his eyes closed.

“Miya?” She doesn’t respond to me using her name at first.

She slowly turns my way, and her face looks so young from her fear. I have a flash of when she first came to the clubhouse. Barely eighteen, not a single tattoo or piercing. The only thing she kept was her long black hair. The sides are shaved now to show off her artwork, but it’s the single piece of feminine appearance she has now.

“He’s dying.” I nod.

“Stage four lung cancer.” I try to soften the words, but how do you deliver that kind of news without sounding harsh?

“But not today.” Hiro finally speaks.

“Agreed. Today you are both getting your inheritance.” Judge raises an eyebrow at me.

“Stop being judgmental, Genevieve. I swear I named both of you perfectly.” I chuckle as I retrieve the transfer of ownership papers from Hiro’s desk.

I grab a pen and walk back to Karma.

“Sign here.” She takes the papers and starts to sign without question, but Judge grabs her hand.

“Fuck Miya, have I taught you nothing?” She hisses at her lover.

I cross my arms and wait for the outcome of this spat.

“I trust him,” Karma says and signs.

I’m disappointed and frown.

“You aren’t gonna argue with her?” Judge shrugs.

“Why? I trust you too. Does that surprise you?” She smiles as I blush.


I clear my throat and turn to swipe under my eyes. I’m not crying. Something is just in my eye. When I turn back, Josie is over by Hiro, checking his vitals. You can’t take the nurse out of a person no matter how long they’ve been retired.

“Congratulations Miya Fukuma, you are now owner and CEO of Fukuma Enterprises. As such, all that was your fathers is now yours.” Karma’s black pupils widen, and her mouth drops open.

“Correct my wrongs, Musume,” Hiro says in a choked-up whisper.

* * *

