Page 47 of Genevieve

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Washington, DC

“You need to calm the fuck down. Dial your crazy back a few notches, will you?” Pinky yells at Abel.

We are all sitting waiting to watch him get a fucking metal. There will be no living with him after this.

“Don’t make me kill you in the White House.” She hisses at him when he doesn’t calm down.

“Parley, ok, I’m nervous,” Abel says, shaking his arms at his side and jogging in place.

“We aren’t pirates, you fucking idiot,” I mumble as passersby’s look at us oddly.

I’m sure it’s not every day the place is full of bikers in leather.

“You sure about that? I steal from the rich and give to the poor. Fucking A, I’m a cyber Robinhood.” He looks at me, shocked.

“You’re an ass,” Genevieve says, laughing.

“If you change into tights right now, I’ll divorce you,” Dylan says from his side with a smirk.

“Jealous my legs will look better than yours, Dy love?” She snorts and cups his junk.

“No, I’m worried your hardware will rip the material, and you’ll get arrested by Capital police. You’ll land your ass in jail for flashing the President.” He raises an eyebrow and nods.

“Good point. I’ll keep the jeans. Besides, they make my ass look good.” Satan growls at his VP and son-in-law.

“I did not leave my newborn son and wife at home to listen to talk about your dick and ass.” The door to the Oval Office opens as Satan says dick.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for waiting. The President will see you now, Mr. Brooks.” Abel blows out a breath and takes Dylan’s hand in his.

He walks into the Oval Office with his wife on his arm. We follow them in, and it’s like the wedding they deprived us all of. Sitting on the edge of his desk is the man himself, President Weston Gilroy, looking like he’s posing for the cover of Time magazine.

“Abel Brooks, welcome to the White House. I wanted to personally thank you for the great service you’ve done for this country.” He offers Abel his hand to shake, and the fool giggles like a school girl doing so.

“We should be heading out to the rose garden soon for the ceremony, but I need a minute alone with you all first. Sebastian Cole, you don’t remember me, I bet. We met once a long time ago, and I would not be standing here today if we hadn’t.” Satan squints his eyes as if that will help him remember.

“Germany, thirty years ago. You stopped a very depressed and injured eighteen-year-old soldier from overdosing. To this day, I’ll never forget the words you said to me.” President Gilroy steps in front of Satan.

“You can’t die before you’ve lived, kid. If you go before you find the love of your life, what was the point of all this pain?” Satan repeats as if out of memory.

“I didn’t know your first name, but I remember your last. I named my son Cole after you.” The President slaps his shoulder and moves on to Genevieve and me.

“Ms. Davenport, it is an honor to meet you. Your father was a dear friend.” Genny smiles and shakes his hand.

“It’s Mrs. Fukuma now.” He smiles at us.

“Congratulations, I’m sorry he wasn’t here to witness it. I know how proud he was of you, and he was never one to share praise, but please believe he talked about you whenever he was given the chance.” Genny tears up, and I hug her to me.

“If you’ll all follow me,” he motions to a pair of French doors.

* * *


“It iswith great honor that I bestow upon you Abel Brooks the highest civilian honor. The Presidential Medal of Freedom for your contribution to the security and national interests of the United States.” President Gilroy places the pin on my MSMC cut with a smirk.

Should I be in a suit right now? Probably.
