Page 48 of Genevieve

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But this isn’t about appearance. It’s about the efforts put forth to stop an industry that almost took my wife and future away from me. I promised her I would end them when she was sixteen, and today I’ve honored that.

We turn and smile for pictures, and while the President has his arm over my shoulder and pictures flash, he whispers for my ears only.

“I hope you aren’t retiring, son.” I grin and shake my head.

“Too many monsters left to catch, sir.” He slaps my back.

“Goodman, son. Goodman.”

I take all the hugs and kisses on the cheek while we walk back into the White House and are taken to a lunch that was prepared for us. We are seated and fed while we celebrate the end of a very long area.

“Should we tell them now or later?” Dylan asks and I smile.

“We have a few months.” I wink at her.

I’m not sure if the world is ready for Abel 2.0.




Oh shit. Am I late again? Why am I always losing time? I glance at my smart watch and frown. No, I still have thirty minutes. So why does mom sound so damn mad?

“Coming!” I hop down from the tree limb I was sitting on drawing.

As I get closer to the house, I see why she called me. Pops has Wolf by the neck, and his face is purple. I tuck the pencil in my hand behind my ear and clutch my sketchbook to my chest.

“Do something before he kills him.” Mom hisses at me as I get closer.

“Pretty sure that’s the point, mom. If he needs help, he’ll ask me.” I see Pop’s jaw twitching, and Wolf chokes.

“Why’re you here, Wolf? You’re a long way from Reno.” This asshole ran out on me five years ago when shit hit the fan and started a separate chapter of the MSMC.

We haven’t seen him since. Not sure why he’s here now, but he needs to leave because I have somewhere to be in SHIT!

“Pop’s, we gotta go.” I tap my watch, and he drops Wolf like the sack of shit he is.

“Nice seeing you again. Let’s do it again in five more years.” I walk past him on my way to my cage.

“WAIT!” He coughs and clears his throat as my parents get into the car, watching us.

“I can’t think of a single thing you may need to say to me after all these years that you couldn’t have sent by email or text.” I open the door, and his following words stop me dead in my tracks.

“Is it mine?” What the fuck?

“It?” I turn around and stomp my ass into his face.

“Is what yours? You’ve got a lot of balls asking me any questions, let alone some bullshit like that. So what exactly brought you to my front door today Franklin?” I spit his full name in his face.

I owe this man nothing. He came here a no-good asshole, and he’s leaving with the same status. He steps back from my angry face, and his eyes widen. Good, I’m glad he can see my hatred for him. Any love I once felt for him died a long ass time ago.

“Go back to Reno. You aren’t wanted or needed here.” I get in my car and start to pull out of the driveway.

“The kid needs a father!” I hear him yell at my brake lights and slam on the brakes.

“Rebel,” Pop tries to calm me, but it’s way too late for that.

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