Page 5 of Genevieve

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“Where’s that fecker going?” Wrench asks while others grumble at Willy’s sudden departure.

“He’s checking on Arturo. Willy has been tailing Anton for months for me. He left Arturo in charge when DJ was born, and since we don’t know his current whereabouts, that means his best friend may be in trouble.” I glance at Dorian, and it’s clear that if she weren’t holding the baby, I’d have a black eye.

“Your lies are starting to piss me off, Cannibal.” Her tone confirms my previous thought.

“I’ve never lied.” I sigh, and Satan growls.

“Omissions are fucking worse. What else don’t we know?” Ah fuck, I just don’t have the time to disclose all my candescent actives.

“Pops, you honestly don’t have the clearance for that answer, and I need to go get our girl. Aiden, can I get a lift?” He nods and kisses Wrench.

“Wheels up in twenty.” He leaves the library, and I attempt to follow, but Cane grabs my wrist.

“Need backup?” I really don’t, but his eyes tell me I don’t have a say, so I just nod.

“Boys?” Our dad stops us in the common room before we walk out the door.

“You two need anything while you are out there, you call Dee.” I raise an eyebrow at him.

“What can Dee help with?” Cane wonders as we get on our bikes to head to the heliport.

“She has a direct line to Uncle Jimmy, and he is glued to Anton.” I follow that train of thought as Cane and I take off.

The ride clears my head long enough for me to figure out two important things. One, the LA police department is probably on Anton’s payroll. If they aren’t all corrupt, the major players are.

Two, I’m going to have to play dirty to get Judge out on bail. Which means, I’m going to most likely have to blackmail whoever is going to arraign her. I smile at the thought of possibly bringing down a dirty judge.

The only downfall to this plan is that in the event we get a decent judge. Am I willing to ruin an innocent person’s life and career to save Genevieve?

Yes, and the fact that it doesn’t make me feel guilty opens a whole other train of thought I have no time to entertain at the moment.

“You good, bro?” I take off my helmet and stand.

“Parenthood has me growing a conscious I can’t afford.” Cane laughs at me.

“There may be hope for you yet.” He slaps my shoulder and walks ahead of me to the helicopter Aiden is waiting in.

We’re going to need more than hope to get us through this shit. I feel like an amateur staring at the timer, trying to figure out my next move. How do you win a game of chess when the queen has already been taken?

Use a paired attack.

I pull out my phone and make a call before getting on the helicopter. This situation may not be as FUBAR as we think.



Well, this is a change of scenery I didn’t see coming in my career path. I shake my head and can’t help laughing at the fact that the tables didn’t just turn on me, they were flipped, and now I’m pinned down under the weight of them.

“Oh, how the mighty have fallen.” The voice echoes in the corridor outside my metal barred cell.

I close my eyes briefly, trying to regain my composure. I won’t let this asshole see me broken. He will never have that satisfaction.

“Come now, Cher, mighty? Little ole me?” I let my accent thicken and build up my bravado as a shield.

Anton saunters into view and puts his arms through the bars closing his hands together as if he’s ready to pray for my soul. Funny that the devil would think I needed saving.

We just look at each other for several minutes, and the quiet is louder than anything I can ever remember in my life. I notice the family resemblances we share, and a shiver runs up my spine. Knowing he was my half-brother and coming face to face with it after all these years sets my fragile mental state on edge. I can’t prove it yet, but I know he killed our father with every fiber of my being.
