Page 19 of Sharing Their Prize

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“What about my program?” It seems unfair to have to choose between my mates and my lifelong dream.

“What about it?” Kez asks. “Did you think that because we’re mates, we wouldn’t allow you to follow your dreams?”

Jacob snorts. “We want you to be happy, Jaya, not to turn you into our sexual slave.”

Hearing my name—my real name—is both thrilling and strangely wrong. For the last night, everything I’ve shared with them I’ve shared as Ivy. Jaya feels like a stranger between us.

Folding my arms across Jacob’s chest, I prop my chin up so I can better see him and Kez. “With both of you, I want to be Ivy. I can be Jaya for the rest of the world, but Ivy is yours and only yours.”

Jacob reaches out, cupping the back of my head and bringing his lips against mine. When he lets me go, I turn and kiss Kez with equal fervor.

“So where are we going to live?” Jacob asks, laying back and folding an arm behind his head.

“My program is in the city, and it’s going to take a lot of my focus while I’m enrolled.” I say sheepishly. Will they hate that? Will they want all of me all the time, especially with our bond so new?

“That’s fine with me,” Kez speaks up first. “Of course, I’m just a lowly alpha with no leadership ties to my faction. I have a place in the city. It’s nothing fancy, but will be just fine for the three of us.”

“As faction leader for the grizzlies, I’ll need to spend a fair bit of time in my territory, but I’m happy to split my time between the city and the mountains.” He cups the side of my cheek, and I lean into his touch. “Whatever you need, baby girl, we’ll make sure you get it.”

My heart swells and the tears that have been threatening to fall since I thought they were leaving me, slip down my cheeks.

“Oh, sweetheart. Is that not what you want? I swear, we’ll make this work out.” Kez chokes, curling his arm tighter around me.

“No, no. You’re both just… too perfect! I can’t believe my luck. I’m happy, I swear.”

Kez scoots closer, leaning his head against Jacob’s shoulder as they both hold me between them.

“Thank fuck!” Jacob growls, leaning in to press his face into the side of my neck. The way his eyes slide closed when he inhales my scent makes my nipples pebble and my pussy hot. “Would you let us mark you, someday?”

I tilt my head to the side. “What does that mean?”

Kez places a kiss on my opposite shoulder, running his teeth across the spot his lips were a moment ago. “It’s a way to bond us together. Like a human marriage vow, but much more final and unbreakable.”

I consider that, and the way my skin pebbles just thinking of letting them do that to me. “I think… someday. I’m not ready yet, but yes, I want that.”

Kez and Jacob exchange heated glances before turning those hot looks on me.

“I can’t wait,” Jacob whispers.

“Neither can I,” Kez agrees.

Snuggling deeper between Kez and Jacob, I have a feeling that I’m going to be ready sooner, rather than later. But for now, I sigh contently. I’m just so damn happy to get to keep both of them.

* * *

The end.
