Page 32 of The Nightmare King

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The nightshirt was yanked up my body and over my head before I knew that he was going to do it. My hair went flying in every direction, obscuring my vision in the dim lighting of the room. The shirt trapped my arms and hands, and all I could do was feel as his big, calloused hands roved over my scarred back and down to the globes of my ass. Jack yanked my hips up roughly until I was on my chest and knees, with my face turned to the side on the pillow. My every breath caused strands of hair to blow out as it covered my face. My arms stretched out above me kept me from being able to reach back or pull the hair from my face.

"This is what's going to happen, little Queen," his voice rasped from above me while his hands continued to roam as if he couldn't get enough of the feel of my skin. "I'm going to spank this delicious little ass. Then, I'm going to fuck you. You will take it like the good girl I know you can be." He lifted a hand, and even though I expected it, I still couldn't help the startled cry as his palm connected with the flesh of my bottom.

I stiffened my muscles, readying for the next blow, but instead, he soothed the sting again. The combination of harsh and soft kept me on edge, never knowing what to expect. Each time he spanked me, the heat grew, not just in my ass but in my belly, then spreading to the rest of me. By the time he had spanked me a dozen times, moving the blows to different parts of my bottom, never striking the same spot twice, I was a panting, quivering, crying mess. I was crying because of the pain, but I was also crying because of the sexual frustration I hadn't known I'd feel. I wanted him inside of me with a desperation that was new to me.

Jack shifted behind me, and I knew he was lining himself up with my core. I felt him swipe the head of his cock over my entrance and heard him hiss.

"You're soaked, little Queen. Did you enjoy me spanking your magnificent ass?"

I whimpered, shifting my knees, wishing I could see him. He sounded different and had a gruffness to his tone that he generally didn't have when we were alone. Whatever he had done with Daisy had affected him. He needed me, needed this. I could help him work through the demons that were eating away at him.

"Fuck me, Jack. Make me pay for being a bad girl."

He growled low in his throat, and suddenly, I was filled with a hard thrust that had my knees sliding out from under me. With a curse, he wrapped an arm under my hips, lifting me back up, and held me there, keeping me in place for his brutal thrusts. Every stroke lit me on fire inside, targeted every nerve ending, and sent shockwaves of pleasure zinging through me. I choked on my cries of pleasure, hair sticking to my cheeks wet with tears.

"More, Jack!" I screamed, needing more. Needing everything.

He hammered into me harder than he ever had before, and I loved every second of it. I soon found myself teetering on the edge of the most immense orgasm I had ever experienced. The sheer magnitude of it scared me. I was afraid of who I would be when it was over. I didn't know what would be left of the person I was.

A hand swept up my hair, gathering it in a fist, finally allowing me to take in a full breath of air. My head was tilted back, pulled by the solid grip on my hair. My cries got louder, and my legs began to tremble with my impending release.

"Do. Not. Come." Jack's words were a command as he increased his pace further. I was on the desperate edge of a knife's blade, needing to fall but not wanting to disappoint him. I squeezed my inner muscles desperately, trying to hold myself back. He hissed harshly between his teeth as my walls fluttered and clenched tightly. "Fuck!" He bellowed loudly. Then, his other hand let go of the bruising grip he had on my hip. A hard slap to my ass made me scream in agonized pleasure.

"Fuck! Fucking come. Come all over my cock. Soak me! Come now!" He roared. With his permission finally granted, I sobbed and squeezed my eyes shut as wave after wave of fierce satisfaction swept through me. Goose bumps covered every inch of me as I fell head first into the orgasm he'd wrung viciously from me.

I vaguely heard his curses and yells as he thrust once, twice, then stilled deep inside me, spilling his warmth and filling me up. I lay there, my face half in the pillow as I struggled for breath. My whole body shook with aftershocks. His body blanketed mine, pressing me firmly into the mattress, and I welcomed his weight and warmth.

Too soon, he rolled to my side. I whimpered as his weight left me, his cock withdrawing left me feeling empty.

"Are you okay?" He ran his fingers through my tangled hair, smoothing it away from my face. I didn't bother looking at him. I was still trying to get a hold of my emotions. Somehow, he had wrung me out until I felt almost hollow inside. It was a good feeling, even as it left me feeling bereft. "Little Queen, look at me. Please?"

It was the plea that finally had me cracking my eyelids open, blearily looking up at his concerned face. "I'm okay," I croaked, my throat feeling dry and raspy. I must have screamed more than I thought.

He swept my face clear of all the hair and gently pulled the shirt from around my arms, tossing it to the ground beside the bed. He gathered me in his arms, turning me until I was cradled in his warmth. I sighed and snuggled my cheek against his smooth chest.

He rumbled out a low chuckle, running his thumb over my cheek. I blinked up at him, finally able to see him clearly, and smiled.

"There she is." His deep voice in that adoring tone had another shiver running over me.

"I love you, Jack." My words were soft, mumbled in a sex-drunken slur, but they were unmistakable in the quiet room. His entire body froze for a solid second before he pulled me closer to him and nuzzled into my hair.

"I don't know what love is," he rasped out against my head. "But what I feel for you has taken over every part of me. I've never wanted another woman before you. I never thought I could touch a woman and feel what I do for you. If I lost you, my world would stop spinning. Life would cease to have any meaning."

I lifted my hand and ran it over the stubble along his jaw, tears blurring my vision. "That's love, Jack."

He sighed and kissed my head, then rested his cheek against me. "Then, my little Queen, you better hope that nothing ever happens to you."

When he remained silent after those ominous words, I pulled back and looked at him in his black eyes. There was a depth there I hadn't seen in anyone else. They were so deep that a person could drown in them, swallowed up by the darkness in the bottomless pits. "What would you do?" It was spoken softly, letting him know I was scared of the answer, of the truth. I didn't want to be responsible for this man's sanity, but at the same time, I couldn't live without him, either. So, didn't that make me just as desperately insane as he was?

"There would be nothing left once I was done."

I swallowed hard as we stared into each other's eyes, seeing the truths we each held. I couldn't promise him what he needed. There was no way to guarantee that I would never be hurt or taken from him. Life was a bitch, and good people died every single day from illness or accidents. Young children and innocent babies died. People who had never hurt another living soul became ill. I couldn't promise that would never happen to me.

"I'll do whatever I can to stay safe." It was all I could promise him. It was the only truth I could give. But it was the truth. I would make sure I kept my oath for as long as I could. Because I loved him enough to never want to cause him pain.

"I was kept as a prisoner for months," I began, knowing that it was time to tell him everything. He was committing himself to me, and if I was going to give every part of myself to him, I needed to give it all, including the ugliness. His whole body went rigid as he waited for me to elaborate. "It was my first real job. I left home, looking for more than I could have in our small town. If I had stayed, I knew I would be stuck there forever. I would have a million babies, just like my mom. I would have married the first man that asked. And I would have been miserable for the rest of my life."

I shuddered, looking away from his probing eyes. I knew my story was already all over the place, jumping from one thing to another as my brain tried to form a coherent thought. "I took all the money I was given as graduation gifts from family, packed a suitcase, and got on a bus bound for Hollywood. Becoming a star wasn't as easy as I thought it would be." I sighed. I ran a fingertip over the tattoos covering his chest, tracing the white bones that made up the ribcage of the skeleton he wore on the outside of his body.

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