Page 6 of Greedy Gods

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A moment later, the crack begins to heal. The stones stretch towards each other, runes glowing as they close off the dangerous rift.

Relief crashes over me. We did it. The wellspring is stable again, with Eli as its new guardian. Fern helped us, after all.

Now we can focus on finding her bones, and setting both her soul and the omegas' free.

Adar crushes me against his chest. "Well done, precious," he murmurs in my ear.

I cling to him, letting his strength support me. We have a long journey in front of us, but with him and the others at my side, I know I can face it.

Thale gently takes my arm. "Come on. Let’s get ready to leave.”

Casting one last glance back at the healed Mating Circle, I let my alphas guide me away.


The beacon of light shines like a star fallen to earth, marking the location where Fern's bones rest at the top of a mountain peak. My heart pounds with anticipation as I stare into the distance, imagining the difficult trek.

Beside me, Ali lowers her hands, the glowing spell dissipating from her fingertips. She sways slightly and I reach out to steady her. Magic always takes a toll, even for someone as gifted as my best friend.

"It worked," Ali says, a note of pride in her voice. "Now you'll be able to find the bones no matter what."

I hug her gently, breathing in the soothing lavender scent that always clings to her skin and clothes. "Thank you. I know that wasn't easy."

She smiles, brushing back a lock of white-blonde hair that's escaped from her braid. "You're my best friend, Rina. Of course I'll help any way I can." Her dark brown eyes meet mine, filled with warmth and understanding.

A throat clears pointedly behind us. I turn to see the four elemental gods watching us with varying degrees of impatience.

"Are we ready to go, darling?" Lucian asks, lifting one pale brow. "Daylight is wasting, and it's quite a trip to the mountaintops just north of my pack's lands."

"Soon as we gather supplies, we can head out," I confirm. Excitement and nerves churn in my stomach.

But with my powerful mates at my side, I know I'll make it through this trial.

Thale's deep voice rumbles instructions, sending the others moving to gather travel packs and rations. Though my massive earth god isn't one for unnecessary words, he has a natural air of authority I find reassuring. Under his direction, preparations are swift and efficient.

Within minutes, we're ready to depart. I hug Ali one more time, breathing in the comfort of her familiar scent.

"Stay safe," she murmurs. "And call if you need me. I'll come right away."

I nod, blinking back the sheen of tears that fill my eyes. No matter how chaotic my life becomes, I can always count on Ali to remain right there at my side. My extraordinary best friend.

With a deep breath, I turn and join hands with my mates. Earth, wind, fire and sea—together we can achieve anything.

Lucian gives me a sly wink, eyes glittering. "Ready for an adventure, my wild one?"

Before I can respond, wind bursts around us, snatching away my breath. The world blurs. I cling to my mates' hands, trusting Lucian's magic to carry us safely.

In a blink, the wind dies. My feet hit solid ground. I stumble, ears popping from the abrupt transition.

"Steady, sweetness." Everett's big hands grasp my waist, steadying me. I lean back against his broad chest, anchoring myself.

When the dizziness passes, I take in our new surroundings. We're halfway up the mountain slopes, evergreen trees towering around us. The icy bite of altitude stings my nose and cheeks.

We've arrived in Sky Pack territory.

Lucian inhales deeply, face turned up to the cloud-streaked sky. "Good to be home," he murmurs. Turning to us, he adds, "I can tell that the Sky Pack wellspring has been missing me. It may be a bit before we can head out again."

As we hike up the winding trail, I study Lucian. Being back in his own lands has changed him, erasing the tension that usually tightens his shoulders. He moves with easy grace, as if the mountain air gives him energy. He's the wind god through and through.

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