Page 7 of Greedy Gods

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Before long, we reach a clearing dotted with tidy log cabins. Sky Pack members pause in their tasks to stare as we pass. Word spreads swiftly through the remote pack that their alpha has returned.

A tall, slender woman with silver-streaked hair separated into two braids hurries forward to greet us. Lucian clasps her arm warmly.

"Well met, Edith. I'm pleased to see you all again."

The woman returns his smile. "And we're glad of your swift return, Alpha. The pack has urgent need of you."

Lucian's brows draw together. "Has something happened?"

"No, no." Edith hastens to reassure him. "Quite the opposite. We've received four requests from lone wolves to join Sky Pack. All young and strong. They're just waiting for your approval."

"That's good news. We'll need the new blood." Relief flashes across Lucian's angular face.

Thale nods sagely, massive arms crossed over his broad chest. "Just make sure you're certain of their loyalty. We don't want any of Teller's lone wolves getting in."

"I'll use my ability to influence emotions to check them out," Lucian assures him. "The last thing we need is a traitor in our midst."

Edith bows her head respectfully to Thale. "Of course, I would expect nothing less. We wait for your approval."

She hesitates, then adds, "Let me know if you need to rest from your travels, Alpha. We've kept the Alpha lodges ready for you and your mate."

"We appreciate your hospitality," Lucian tells Edith. To us, he adds, "Come on. You lot need some time to adjust to the altitude before we keep going."

The Alpha’s lodges are rustic but cozy, with a crackling fireplace, thick fur rugs, and a canopied bed piled high with blankets. Ever practical, Thale immediately begins checking our provisions and planning the next part of our trip.

But Lucian draws me onto the plush furs in front of the fire, nuzzling my neck. "We have a few hours before we must depart, darling. Allow me to enjoy you here in my own lands."

His long fingers slide under my shirt, tracing delicate patterns on my skin. The heat in his icy blue eyes warms me more thoroughly than any fire.

"Of course," I breathe, tilting my face up for his kiss. Our lips meet hungrily, all the sweeter for the rare time alone together.

Lucian lavishes attention on me, his touches worshipful yet teasing. He goes down on me me right there on the fur rug, lavishing my slick folds and throbbing clit with attention until I crest against him, crying out with pleasure.

As I come down, I start to offer to return the favor, only for him to place his fingers on my mouth to hush me. "Just for you, this time, my wild one. A little moment for my omega to receive pleasure without having to give it."

After, he holds me close, our breathing gradually returning to normal. I trace the corded muscles of his forearms, enjoying his wiry strength. My unpredictable wind god.

A knock interrupts our quiet intimacy. Adar enters, raising one red brow at our disheveled state.

"If you two are finished, we're ready to depart." His gravelly voice holds a note of envy. Adar always wants more of me than he gets.

Lucian meets his gaze unflinchingly. "I'll be along when I want, Flame-Keeper."

They stare at each other for a tense moment. Then Adar nods and leaves, a small growl in his throat. I know he respects Lucian claiming time alone with me in his own territory, but I also know that he wants his own alone time with me, preferably more than the other gods get.

With a sigh, Lucian gets up, helping me to my feet. "Come, my wild one. Our task awaits."

The five of us make good time climbing higher up the steep mountain slopes. I'm grateful for the cold air rushing into my lungs, invigorating me. The packs and gear feel feather-light with my mates taking turns bearing the bulk of the burden.

Cresting a rise dotted with spiraling evergreen trees, Lucian pauses, sniffing the wind. I halt beside him, inhaling deeply myself. An unfamiliar scent lingers on the breeze—something earthy yet wrong.

"We're not alone," Adar rumbles, flames flickering to life on his palms. Thale and Everett move closer to me, their powers at the ready.

A woman steps out of the trees ahead. Even at a distance, the power radiating from her raises the hairs on my neck. Her beauty is otherworldly, with ivory skin and waves of silver-blonde hair. When she smiles, the sight of her glistening fangs makes me recoil.


"Peace, friends," she calls out in a melodic voice. "I mean you no harm."
