Page 89 of Love RX

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“Mhm,” she agreed before her lips pressed to mine, fitting like the most meticulously crafted cogs. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I opened my mouth to slant over hers in hungry need.

I shifted her on my lap, and she followed, wanting the same thing I did and resting both her knees on either side of my thighs, straddling me. I smoothed her wet hair away from her face as I deepened our kiss, and she moaned into my mouth, flicking her tongue against mine and pressing her hips down.

A low sound of appreciation escaped my lips because,fuck, she felt good. I yanked her soggy tank top up her waist, but Laurel stopped me, sitting up and breaking the spell with a snap. She frowned down at me, her lips pink and her cheeks flushed. “I’m not having sex in a truck like a horny teenager.”

“What’s wrong with horny teenagers?” I asked. My fingers did a dance up her cold skin, playing under her shirt and inching up her ribcage.

Laurel’s ribs contracted with a sharp breath as her attention wavered to my hands. But then she blinked, and valiantly, she continued, “They’re stupid. We aren’t stupid. Plus, isn’t car sex awkward and uncomfortable?”

I had about ten different ways in my head I could fuck this goddess in my truck that would not only be comfortable but would also blow both our minds. Instead, I let my fingers drift to the underside of her breasts, which were now rising and falling a little faster. “Hm,” I hummed. “Maybe.”

“And, anyway, Calla’s going to wake up soon,” she reasoned, even as her eyes caressed me from my hairline to our fused hips. “And breakfast,” she added weakly.

I let my hand travel around the back of her ribs, down to the small of her back, and then I pulled them out of her tank top so I could lift them back to her shoulders. I hooked her straps down her arms as I smoothed a line to her elbows. Rain pounded on the metal roof, thundering down the windshield in tempo with the blood roaring in my ears. But calmly, I murmured, “Yes, breakfast is important.”

Laurel leaned into me a bit, though I was unsure whether it was consciously or not. “I just don’t want to be irresponsible,” she said, her tone falling to a whisper again.

I sat up, using one hand to grind her ass down on my dick and the other to tease the fabric of her neckline an inch down her damp breasts. I bent to kiss the ridge of her collarbone. “You’re very responsible, Laurel Brook.” I kissed a little lower, and Laurel exhaled, letting her head fall back a touch. “And no one in your custody case is going to know or care if you had sex in a truck with your boyfriend at six-thirty in the morning before your kid woke up.”

Laurel had been worked up about her impending court case against Jason for almost two months now. But we hadn’t heard from the cocksucker other than his regular calls with Calla. Laurel had initiated the case to smooth out the issues in her divorce decree, and as far as we could tell, Jason wasn’t even fighting the thing. She still worried that every little misstep could be used against her in court, and while I couldn’t blame her, I wasn’t going to let it stop me from pulling my favorite sounds from her body.

“True,” she said, and I heard the strain in her voice.

I smiled against her skin and peeled the lacy neckline all the way to the edge of her rosy nipple. I kissed just above it, eliciting a soft moan from her. “I can stop if you want,” I teased.

“Don’t you dare,” she gusted out.

Chuckling, I lifted my head, adjusted her on my lap again, and framed her face with both my hands. Her bright, blue jean eyes did a little staccato dance between mine. “I’m definitely not stopping anything. Not unless you say the word.”

Laurel seemed to understand what I meant. She’d heard the promises I made to her every day, and slowly, very slowly, she was beginning to believe I really meant them. It was a painstaking process to help her heal. She still had nightmares. She still had doubts. But every day with her felt like a gift to me, and I would do everything I could to let her know it.

I kissed her lips, and she whispered, “I love you.”

I smiled again. These days, it seemed like I smiled so often, my cheeks were perpetually sore. I kissed her again and said, “I love you, Laurel Brook. Now take off your clothes before I start ripping seams.”

Laughing, she obliged. And as the sun rose in a hazy burst of light, diffusing over mist and rainfall, I worshipped the beauty who had come into my life so suddenly. I worshipped her with my words and my body, and someday, I was going to marry her, and we’d fill that house on the mountain with more laughter and joy than I’d ever dreamed of. I didn’t have a timeline on it. I didn’t have expectations around it. But as if it had been written on my skin, I knew it would happen. I’d been given a chance, and I didn’t second-guess those. Not when she had a trilling laugh, wicked charms, and a warm heart.

Laurel had given me her trust, and in return, she had my soul.

Twenty Five

Thank You!
