Page 67 of Chasing Waves

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“You are hanging out with too many kids, girl,” I teased her. “I just traveled alone for two years. I think I’ll be okay, but I’ll make sure to send you lots of updates along the way. Now, I gotta go. Love you.”

“Love you, too,” Genesis said and then ended the call.

I stared at my phone and then started a text to Levi.

Sorry I haven’t messaged back until now. I’ve been busy with the move. I’ll be in Nashville next week, so I’ll call you when I get settled. Thanks for checking in on me.

Pausing and chewing on my finger, my heart pounding against my rib cage, I debated if I should add an emoji or not. I couldn’t believe how nervous I was about sending a text to a man. It was like high school all over again.

I added a smiley face and then deleted it. Then I added a thumbs-up and deleted that. Finally, I took a deep breath and added a heart emoji, sending it quickly before I changed my mind. When he didn’t respond after a few seconds, I was contemplating unsending the message when the typing bubbles popped up. I froze and started to pace, waiting for his message to come through. This was silly. I was a grown-ass woman acting like a lovesick teenager. When his message popped up, I held my breath.

I look forward to it. Please, drive safe. And, Char, I can’t wait to see you again.

The tension melted away and I smiled from ear to ear.

See you when I see you.

I put my phone down on the island and squealed. I wasn’t sure if I would see Levi again, but now I knew I wanted to. Maybe not right away, but soon.

The movers would be here tomorrow, and I only had a few boxes left to pack. The furniture was staying for the new owners, and I was donating a good amount, except my books, clothes, and some important items that Bridger and I had collected over the decades. I didn’t have to give up everything to become something else. Bridger had been a huge part of my life, and I would always carry pieces of him with me. It took me a long time to figure out how, but with the help of Genesis and Levi, I was starting to.

After packing the last of the boxes, I opened a bottle of pinot noir and went outside to sit on the back patio. We had an incredible view of the hills that separated us from the ocean. Tonight, the sky was clear and filled with stars and a full moon. Many nights Bridger and I would sit out here and talk and drink wine and laugh. We made the most of every moment, especially after his diagnosis. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be able to sit out here again, but here I was, sitting on our patio swing drinking wine. This was another big moment for me.

“I love you, B,” I said to the full moon just as a shooting star shot across the sky. A tear shed from my eye, but this time it was a tear of joy, because in my heart I knew the shooting star was a sign from Bridger.

“I hope I’m not interrupting,” A man’s voice came from the back corner of the house.

I startled, spilling a little wine on the ground. “Levi, is that you? You scared the life out of me!”

He stepped out of the shadow of darkness into the little light that was shining from inside my house. My body awoke at the sight of him. His blue eyes soaked me in, and then he locked his gaze on me. At the beach, he had a boyish vibe with the unkempt hair and relaxed clothes. Right now, he was all man, standing tall in fitted blue jeans, a fitted jersey knit t-shirt that defined the muscles beneath, a clean-shaven face, and neatly combed back hair. His hair was longer than when I last saw him and it suited him well.

After I calmed my racing heart, I asked, “How did you know where I lived?”

“Your locations are on.” He pulled out his phone from his back pocket and shook it, peeking through his lashes, while gracing the most seductive smile. My insides were ablaze.

“What?” I frantically searched the patio swing for my phone, but remembered I had left it on the island inside.

He laughed softly. “I’m kidding. Genesis gave me your address.”

“Oh.” I relaxed. It wouldn’t be unlike me to do something careless like leaving on my locations. He walked closer. “May I sit with you?”

“Sure,” I said. I had sat on my usual side of the swing, leaving Bridger’s seat open.

My heart pounded faster against my chest. “Would you like a glass of wine?”

“I’m okay. I have to drive back home.”

We sat silent for a few seconds until I said, “Why are you here, Levi?” I asked softly.

He fidgeted with his fingers. It was cute how nervous he was. My nerves matched his.

“I wanted to see you,” he admitted. I contained a squeal of excitement as he continued, “And I felt like there were some things we still needed to talk through.” His eyes were downcast while he worked his jaw.

“Yeah,” I agreed quietly and waited for him to continue.

Levi looked out to the view and then said, “I really looked up to Bridger. He was not only a great surfing mentor, but he kept me out of trouble.” He straightened his spine. “It was so sudden when he retired. I knew he was a pretty private guy—hell, I didn’t even know your name.” He turned to me and smiled. I returned the smile. “I just figured he would give me a reason or something, but he just left, and I never heard from him again.” His voice dropped as he hunched over, resting his arms on his thighs and raking his hands through his hair.

It was obvious now that he had a special bond with Bridger, and I felt bad that he was hurt by Bridger leaving the circuit without an explanation. “I’m sorry, Levi.”
