Page 110 of Raijin

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“Go left.”

Raijin shouted at Malcolm who cursed as he abruptly jerked the wheel left to avoid the car in front of them Raijin tightened his hold of the ball in his hands, as the black ether with in suddenly spiked pointing to the left. He frowned; they’d been on a steady path north but now the thing had them heading in an entirely different direction.

“What changed?” Malcolm demanded, as he raced through traffic. Swerving around cars that were moving too slow.

“I don’t know,” Raijin said, as he lifted the glass ball to eye level, seeing that the black mass inside was buzzing. “It’s almost like something is disturbing it.”

“What?” Malcolm shouted looking at him.

“Watch out.” Castian yelled suddenly, as a car came flying at them.

Yanking hard on the wheel, Malcolm sent the car spinning. The men all held on, gritting their teeth. The orb in Raijins hand hit the window shattering, the black ether dissipating. The car spun, coming to an abrupt stop when it slammed into a light post. The silence was heavy, before Alek who’d managed to teleport out in time; grabbed the door and yanked it completely off to help Castian out.

Meanwhile, Raijin kicked his own door out. The thing went flying, slamming into the brick wall of the building across from them. Getting out, he looked around. Only to see something like a black cloud over the Council building, it’s movements weren’t normal as it rolled in on itself, before it expanded. He quickly realized it was a fog made of Dark magic.

“What is that?” Malcolm asked, halfway out of the car. His eyes narrowed on the swirling mass.

Raijin, who’d been staring at it began moving that direction.

“Alek, go get Lanias and bring her here.” He shouted, making his way past the cars that had come to a stop.

“What? Why?” Alek shouted after him.

“Because that’s Sabina magic.” Raijin said picking up speed as he ran. The magic felt like hers even though it was twisted. Fate had been leading him this way all his life, so he wouldn’t hide now. Pushing past pedestrian who’d stopped to watch the strange phenomenon. Raijin was almost there when a white truck slammed into the building next to him. He lofted his arms as the rubble exploded, cries of those who’d been standing nearby filled the air.

Lowering his arms, he saw the damage but knowing that someone would call for one of the Blue Jays, he continued until he spotted his target.

She stood straight, her eyes not on anyone but the large building that stood as the symbol of hope and promise of Veil City, the Council building.


He called to her breaking through the crowd that stared at her in a mix of horror and curiosity; he made his way to her, only to stop when she turned around.

Her eyes held a gleeful light, and half her face was black. “Raijin.”

He stared at the face of the woman he loved, knowing that what rested inside her wasn’t her. Immediately he braced for attack, widening his stance. “Who are you?”

She giggled brushing a hand along her body. “Raijin isn’t it obvious. I’m Sabina. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten me already?” She laughed, “oh, that’s too funny.”

He shook his head. “No, you’re not her.”

Her face lost all amusement, she straightened and shrugged.“So, it’s not like she didn’t invite me. She wanted me to do her a favor, so here I am.” She motioned to herself, once more grinning. “I’m here to clean up.” She suddenly pointed at a group of people observing a few feet away and a car that had been motionless behind her shot up in the air and flew at them.

“Shit.” Raijin moved fast catching the car midair, breathing through his noise, he set it down.

“Oh, pooh.” Sabina said, without a flicker of remorse as she glared at him. “Are you going to stop me from having fun, Ogre?”

She frowned before she clapped her hands together, her expression enlightened. “What if I tell you that secret you’ve all been wanting.” She nodded at her own suggestion, watching him as he walked out from behind the car. “I could tell you that, and then you can go chase the bad guys. How about it?”

“No,” Raijin said pulling his long coat off and letting it hit the ground. “I won’t leave until she’s back.” He stated, “Either you can leave her body willingly or…”

“You would hit me?” she pouted as her eyes grew black. Her grin turning darker, and her teeth became sharp. “Hurt me?” She laughed, “You don’t know much about this witch, do you? Well, go ahead. Try your best to hurt little ‘ol me.”

Raijin knew three things about the woman he loved, one; was that she would be weeping if she knew she was hurting others. Two; that she would hate him if he didn’t stop her. And three; that he loved her enough to fight for her to come back.

Sabina was the woman he loved.
