Page 111 of Raijin

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That was it, and he’d fight for her.

Flowery words were for poets. He was an Oni, gruff and abrasive. And his love came with hands dyed in red, but he would use those very hands to cherish and protect her. Staring at the being who now occupied her body, Raijin could no longer hold onto his rage. The skin that had been pale till now blossomed red, the tattoos there brightening as his body grew. The telling markers of his kind he’d suppressed within himself exploded out. His eyes zeroed in on her, and bending slightly he pressed his back foot into the asphalt and felt the ground break under his force.

She didn’t move, nor look away from him. She clapped her hands, and he watched as the side of the Council glass window broke off. The entire world shook as she was able to easily cut through the barriers of the Council building. Lifting the glass window high above them it’s shine covering nearly five blocks, she smiled at him. “Let’s see you catch this.”

And with no warning she snapped her fingers and the window fell. Raijin ran at her. Jumping atop a car, he bounded up and pulling his arm back he slammed it into the surface of the window. A ripple of shock radiated through it the glass until with a tinkling sound it shattered into a million pieces of glass. He fell, landing right before her in a crouch. Standing he eyes met her amused gaze.

“Dammit, Raijin you could have done a better job of breaking this thing.”

Castian voice cut through, his eyes on the nearly sky wide gate he’d open directly to the ocean. So, the shards of glass from the Council building didn’t fall on the pedestrians who’d been running for safety. His brow was covered in sweat, as he held it open till the last one fell through. With a gasp of effort, he fell to his knee. “I fucking hate this job.”

Malcolm rushed to his side assisting him to stand, while blocking a few of the stray falling glass shards that hadn’t been caught.

“Same here,” He grouched moving them out of firing distance from the debris.

Alek appeared in front of him holding a very tousled looking Lanias. She glared at the smirking vampire. With a disgruntled mutter she slammed elbow into his gut before yanking herself out of his hold. smoothing a hand down her front she assessed the situation and released a heavy groan. “Sabina, seriously.”

“hmm?” Sabina hummed, “What?”

Lanias, glared at her. “I thought we spoke about this side of your life being over.”

“You talked; I ignored you.” Sabina said cheekily.

Narrowing her eyes at that response, Lanias grunted, “Well then don’t be mad at me for this.” Bringing her hands together, she reopened them slowly drawing a dagger out of the center of her hand before she grabbed and tossed it to Raijin. “Here.”

“I won’t hurt her,” he said catching it.

“It’s not going to hurt her,” Lanias said, rolling her eyes. “It will drain her magic, instead.”

He frowned, “Won’t that kill her?”

“Not her, she’s more than capable of handling it.” Lanias said while stepping back as she saw Sabina dislodge the stone heroes from the Council steps. “And I would hurry if I was you her Berserker magic can be a real bitch to deal with.” She said running back to Alek whose open arms went ignored.

Facing the fake Sabina, he tightened his hold on the handle of the dagger. “Sabina, it’s time to go back to Kahlia.”

Her eyes widened, the tattoo dissipating before it darkened once more. And the fake Sabina eyes narrowed, “Shut up.” She growled.

“Sabina,” Raijin roared, as he started running at her dodging the cars and broken statues being thrown at him. “it’s time to come home.” He said.

“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” She screamed, as she frantically jerked both her hands up, a wall of fire erupted between them creating a barrier. But Raijin ignored that, plowing right through it he met her terror filled eyes.

He landed an arm’s length from her; with astonishing speed he grabbed her wrist and jerked her close. Lifting the blade, he whispered the look in his eyes turning deep with unwavering love and desire. “Come home to us love.”

She shook her head, frantically trying to escape him. But an Ogres strength was impossible to fight.

“No, no, no.”

And even as it pained him, he drew her close and slammed the blade through her shoulder, till it pierced his own. He too would endure the pain with her.

“No,” she wailed until, there was nothing but her heavy breathing as her body slackened against it. “no.” she repeated quietly, before she went completely still.

Jerking the dagger out, Raijin tossed it aside. Drawing back he met brown eyes that were filled with drowsiness. Her head lolled back, quickly he turned her and knelt. “Sabina.” He called.

Her lashes fluttered as the thorns moved draining from her skin into nothingness. Suddenly her eyes turned white. A cool mist leaving her lips, as her whole body grew stiff. Her lips parted,“Those who were banished here, and those who were born of their loins seek out the key. The key lies within the hands of women and monster, her tongue speaks words of humanity, but her blood carries the will of both heaven and hell. Fire and Water, she is all. Those who were banished here, and those who were born of their loins seek out the key.”

Her voice trembled as her words filled the empty silence, before she sagged her eyes closing as she fell asleep.

Raijin stared at her sleeping face with relief
