Page 29 of Raijin

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At his interruption, Tiller brow quirked. “Robins?”

Raijin nodded. “Yes, less security will allow the enemy to think she’s easy to get ahold of.”

“You really are cruel aren’t you?” Tiller said, with a smirk.

“Which of us crueler? The man who works for those who paid people for their children’s corpses. Or an Ogre, trying to find out who’s killing witches?” Raijin mused aloud as he turned away from Tiller. “Neither of us are good people, it’s best to simply do what we can, what we’re good at.”

Leaving, Raijin swiftly made his exit he didn’t want to be in the presence of Tiller for long. The man always chose the oddest moments to show a conscious. As if Raijin, was the one forcing him down the path he’d chosen with his own hands. He’d been the one to invade the choking black prison Raijin had allowed himself to be abandoned after two hundred years of running.

Just thinking about the years, he’d sat on the stone floor awaiting freedom made his blood boil.

Hell wasn’t fire or being burned.

It was time. The slow ebbing flow of it as the world continued unseen and unheard overhead. Like many of his kind, Raijin hearing was exceptional even when young. He’d spent days listening to people, talking about their lives and of normal things that he’d lost long ago. He’d wondered every day why he hadn’t completely lost his mind there.

Then again maybe he had. Was that why the smell of Sabina, drew him like a moth to a flame. Something about her was vibrant and alive, her eyes were open and gave him a clear view of her thoughts.

She hid nothing, so maybe some part of him who’d grown accustomed to the evils of both humans and demons wished to possess some part of that goodness.

Anything he focused on typically ended up one or two ways, dead or eaten. Which may explain why he decided to hide his craving from Tiller.

A creature like him had no right to lust after her. Though another part of him, felt nothing but the savage need to possess and own her. The side of him, that remained locked beneath the mask. Hidden away from those who feared him and his kind.

Stopping at the end of the bridge, Raijin observed a couple walking along the sidewalk across the street. Humans continued living completely oblivious of the monsters that lurked all around them. How he envied these selfish creatures, their lives were a form of heaven to a monster like him.

He would never experience such a life, which is why he told Tiller to continue down his ruinous path. Violence, the need to destroy another was his only outlet from the gruesome reality of his existence.

Nothing else would do.

Crossing the street, Raijin made his way to where he and the others shared living quarters.

Tomorrow he’d check with the butchers, to see if anyone had been dealing in witches. If witches were disappearing, but only a few were being released than maybe the others were being sold for their parts.

He grinned, it been a long time since he’d been able to stretch his muscles.


Normal Life



“So, it’s true.” Oye said as a way of greeting the minute she came through the door. “You’re really being guarded by Blue Jays.”

Rolling her eyes, Sabina took the bag she held. “Did you think I was lying?”

Oye shrugged, “I wasn’t sure, Lanias can be dramatic about everything. You know how she is.”

“Oye, is that you bad mouthing your boss?” Lanias called from the kitchen.

“Yes.” Oye, yelled back shooting Sabina an amused look. “I brought the wine like you asked,” she turned to Sabina, “Where is the little monster?”

“She’s in the living room, watching the Little mermaid one more time before we go to the park.”

The two of them headed to the kitchen. “If her one more time is anything like yours was when we were kids then I’m sorry to tell you this, but you’re not going to the park today.”

Sabina shoulders sagged, at Oye’s words. “I feared as much.”
