Page 30 of Raijin

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Oye slapped a friendly hand on her shoulder. “Don’t be too down, it’s the life of a mom.”’

“I really wish you’d stop saying that,” she griped, as she placed the bag on the counter. Walking to the other side, she took a seat. “I am still Sabina, as well as my beautiful daughters’ mother.”

Pulling one of the bottles out of the bag, Oye tossed her purse onto the dinner table. “Either way, you’re not going to the park today.” She waved a hand at one of the drawers, it popped open, a bottle opener flew out. “Especially with a bunch of birds following behind you. You proved you had little patience with being guarded back in college..”

“Like anyone would have been okay with that,” Sabina complained, leaning on the countertop glaring at her cousin. “You only liked it, because it stirred up a rumor that you were some heiress.”

“That’s not why I liked it,” her cousin said, as she put the bottle opener in her hand to work. “I liked it, because I could bag guys who thought I was rich.”

“You’re so annoying.” Sabina groaned, turning her attention to Lanias. “Aren’t you going to cut in with a witty insult?”

Lanias, who’s eyes were focused on the pot on her stove shook her head. “Nope, I’m not getting involved, you already yelled at me for giving Kahlia ice cream. I can only take so much bullying from my little sister.”

“You—,” “You two you didn’t invite me over so I could watch you argue, I hope.” Oye quickly cut her off, focused on pouring Sabina a glass of the red wine. “So, what are we doing about your little problem?”

Looking down at her wrist, Sabina frowned. “I’m not sure. the Jackals are apparently going for the ‘wait-and-see’ strategy, but I don’t want to wait for something to happen before I get myself out of this sticky situation.”

“It’s not only sticky, but a mess the Jackals came by the club and asked some questions. Now there’s talk amongst the witches going on.” Oye, said taking a sip of her wine.

“What type of talk,” Lanias asked, as she turned away from the stove. The nozzle flicking off on its own as the contents poured themselves into a glass bottle that hovered over it. Her eyes narrowed on Oye, “I thought they understood I would protect them.’

“They do,” Oye said, “but it doesn’t change the innate fear that comes when the Councils dogs starts sniffing around our sanctuary, they fear another cleansing.”

The light air grew thick with tension, as everyone contemplated Oye’s words. Sabina eyes focused on her wrist. “I should have let them have that girl.”

Both Oye and Lanias, looked at her in surprise.

“I tried to reason that my helping her, in some way would help me regain what I lost. But instead, it’s put me and others in danger.” Sabina released a sigh, rubbing a hand up and down her arm. “Seriously, I thought coming back to Veil city, would make life easier. What was I thinking?”

“Don’t beat yourself up about it,” Oye, placed a hand over Sabina’s. “There is no such thing as an easy day for a witch here in this city. Shit, I’ve been having a few interesting days myself.”

“Plus, it’s not exactly your fault that the others worry about another cleansing.” Lanias added, taking the now filled glass bottle and placing it on the kitchen counter. Her voice serious, “There has been whispering going on, of witches showing up dead and that the Council is covering up. It was confirmed when they came by last night.”

Her brow creasing, Sabina asked. “Did they say who is behind it?”

Lanias sneered, “Of course not, but I’m sure they think it’s us.”

“What? No witch would harm another,” Sabina argued, “I can think on one hand of people who’d be—.” “Sabina.”

She looked away from her sister, she tightened her hand on her wrist. “Sorry.”

“It alright, but those things are your past now,” Lanias voice softened, “I will make sure nothing harms you, or Kahlia. Oye and I will look into it with the others.”

Sabina nodded. “Yeah, I understand.”

“Good,” Turning to Oye, who’d become quiet, Lanias said. “Let’s go to the backroom now, and see if we can catch Patty.”

“Okay,” Oye shot Sabina a look, before she turned to follow Lanias out of the kitchen.

Sabina watched them go secretly resenting being blocked out by Lanias. She wasn’t weak, she hadn’t lost a drop of Magic. She reached up, and pressed her hand against the burn scar right under her shirt.

One choice. A single choice had destroyed everything she’d built.

“Mom?” Kahlia called.

Sabina looked to her left to find, her daughter staring at her with wide eyes filled with curiosity.

“A penny for your thoughts?” Kahlia asked.
