Page 32 of Raijin

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She pushed the doors open to the bar. She wasn’t a starry-eyed girl anymore, any attraction she had for mister ogre had to stay just that. A mild attraction.

Sabine grabbed up an apron from the counter and quickly wrapped it around her waist. Walking over to the back wall that held a few liquors she started mentally checking stock as she grabbed up the roster on the counter. Saying ‘hi’ to the few others who bypassed her as they entered the bar area to start their duties and prep for opening.

“Sabina?” Oye called.

Looking away from the roster, she looked at her cousin approached her from the entry way, she dodged a maintenance man walking through with an oversized piece porcelain. “What is it?”

Straightening, her cousin shot her amused look. “You forgot didn’t you?”

Lowering the roster, Sabina frowned. “Forgot what?’

“That you’re helping with the party,” Oye pointed upwards, “upstairs.”

Sabina cursed. “Shit, I did forget.”

Oye laughed, slinging her bag over her shoulder. Her biker helmet knocking against her heavy duffel bag. “Figured, when I saw you checking the stock here.” She pointed at another girl, who was talking to a few of the servers. “Bethany already did it a few minutes earlier.”

Pressing the heel of her hand against her forehead, Sabina sheepishly laughed. “I got lost in thought, I’ll head up there now.” Removing her apron, she placed it back on the counter along with the roster and moved from behind the bar. “Thanks for letting me know.”

“No problem.” Oye, called after her, Sabina missed the worried look her cousin shot after her.

Sabina quickly ran up the steps. She winced when a pain shot up her wrist. Stopping, she grabbed her wrist grimacing as the pain grew. Breathing through her noise, she tried to stem the pain. In, out, in, out eventually the pain faded removing her hand she looked at the thorny ring only to find the thorns had grown sharper and the tattoo darker in color.

The curse was growing stronger, she stared at it silently before quickly covering it with her shirt sleeve. She couldn’t do anything about it, till the Jackals brought someone forward who could break it, or she told the secret, preferably without dying in a pool of her own blood.

A flash of deep red eyes flooded her mind.

Biting her lip, she shoved the thought away and continued upstairs.

It was about time she stopped dreaming.





“Ihate you.” Sabina complained

“I hate myself.” Lanias groaned.

Sabina cursed from where she laid face down on the couch. “My bruises have bruises, what was I thinking volunteering to help you.”

Lanias, who currently had her feet up on a floating purple cushion. As her head was being massaged by a pair of handless white gloves; complained. “I thought it was going to be a mix, or at the very least their music taste would be the same as ours.” She groaned, “I can still hear the pounding of EDM music in my ears.”

A glass appeared out of thin air, filling itself with tequila, it was followed shortly by ice that clinked into the glass. “Thank you, Magic.” Lanias cheered as she grabbed it up, and took a deep drink.

Sabina couldn’t feel her toes, she’d thought her biggest worry would be handsy lecherous old man, but instead she’d had to deal with their spoiled children.

Children who thought nothing of spelling bar drinks to their table, and changing glasses into little creatures like rats and snakes. She’d had to hold back, from smacking a lykan who’d thought nothing of grinding against her when she’d bent over to pick up a fallen cloth.

He still had his teeth, thanks to Lanias coming down to greet the son of the man who’d scheduled the party.

“They’re lucky, they paid me a boat load of money otherwise I’d turned their kids into carrots, and serve them to their parents for dinner.” Lanias mused, as she took another sip of her drink.

Sabina grimaced, pushing herself up she turned her head so she could see her sister. “Ew.”
