Page 33 of Raijin

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Shrugging, Lanias finally stood. “I’m going to bed, you?”

“Same,” Sabina said, as she finally got herself up on her feet. “Otherwise, I won’t be able to get Kahlia to her bus in the morning. She’ll be late, again.”

Lanias nodded, as she staggered down the hallway her heels hanging from her fingers.

Flicking the lights off, Sabina went to follow her, but she paused when she felt an ominous sensation run down her back, she turned around to see the dark of the living room move. “L-lanias?” Her voice shook, as she took a step back.

“What?” Her sister called from further down the hallway.

“Did you create a golem?” she asked, her eyes widening as the shadow split into two.

“Golem?” Lanias repeated blankly turning around. “No.”

Before Sabina could go into detail, the two shadows split into two once more and rushed her.

Releasing a scream, Sabina jerked her hands up. She flinched when her magic erupted between them and the golems.

“Sabina,” Lanias shouted in alarm.

Her body lurched, it felt like an anvil had hit her stomach. It had been a long time since she’d had to use defense Magic. Gritting her teeth, she narrowed her eyes. The salty taste of blood exploded in her mouth. As she watched the barrier between her and the attacking Golems flicker.

“Mom” Kahlia’s called fearfully.

Sabina’s shoulder tensed but she couldn’t turn her eyes away from the writhing golems that continued slamming against her shield. “Lanias.” She hollered.

“On it,” Lanias grabbing Kahlia up. She moved to the back of the hallway, placing Kahlia down behind her, she took a protective stance in front of her. Lanias tossed her heels aside and bringing her hands before her, so that they formed a triangle. She glared at the golems as a sparkle of light magic gathered in her hands. “Sabina, drop it.” She yelled.

Her arms growing heavy, Sabina followed her sisters command with no hesitation she hit the ground. A bright light exploded from behind her, swallowing the golems whole. While her sister worked on banishing the golems. Sabina crawled backwards till she reached her sisters side. She turned on her stomach coming to her knees, and reached for Kahlia, who quickly ran into her arms.

“Mommy, I’m scared.”

Brushing fingers through her daughter’s hair, she pressed her lips to her forehead. “Shh, it’s going to be okay. Your aunty is strong.”’

Lanias lowered her hands once the golems turned into dust. “Shit, they came at the worse time.”

Sabina parted her lips to add to that thought only to feel hands wrap around her throat. With a chocked sound she released her screaming daughter to scratch at the hands that held her in their cruel grip. She struggled, her legs kicking out as she was dragged down the hall toward the front once more. The pain caused tears to fill her eyes as she continued kicking out her feet hitting one of the side tables that sat against the wall, causing a vase to fall and shatter on the floor.

A black root latched around her ankle, just before she reached the front door.

“Dammit. Where are the guards,” Lanias screamed, pulling hard on the root she’d wrapped around Sabina’s ankle to stop her.

Sabina gasped trying to breath, but the hands wouldn’t loosen. “Fucking bitch. You’re going to pay for that.” A cruel voice exclaimed.

The smell of brimstone filled her nose, she frantically searched the floor, for something anything to use. Spotting the pieces of broken vase, she moved her right hand down and flicked her fingers at a single piece of broken porcelain, trying to get one of the sharps pieces in her hand.

It was hard trying to summon anything, while feeling like her neck was about to snap.

She almost gave up, when the second summon didn’t work. Trying once, more she felt tears of relief as the porcelain shard flew into her hand. With no hesitation, she stabbed it into the hand wrapped around her throat.

With a scream of pain, her attackers hands loosened and with a sharp jerk on the root Lanias pulled her completely out his hold. Coughing, she scrambled to her feet, turning to face the place where the arms were now visible. Her attackers fingers curled making a cracking nose, his form becoming more visible as he rose from the floor. His orange eyes broke through the dark of the hallway.

“I’m not done witch.” He threatened as he took a step torward her, pulling himself from the inky blackness. “Not done. Not done.” He cackled.

Knowing that Lanias, had her daughter Sabina braced herself. Her eyes narrowed, “You’re that demon that got away.”

He sneered; his blue skin faded in spots, but his face was clear for her to see. “Got away, only to return to teach you a lesson.”

“Dammit.” The shouted curse from her sister had her spinning around only to see a demon had come from behind Lanias, and slammed her sister into the wall. Kahlia who’d, been hiding behind Lanias ran at the man.
