Page 43 of Raijin

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“You—.” Raijin began.

“No, no,” Alek said gleefully, looking between Raijin and the sleeping Sabina, “Do continue. I was so excited to see where you would start,” he drawled, “Her lips, the cheeks or maybe the fingers. Oh, so many things to nibble on—,”“Shut up.” Raijin warned.

Alek eyes roamed over Raijin’s face, to the nails that were now embedded in his throat. His stance still relaxed; his smile widened.

“Well, this is exciting.” His brow twitched, as Raijin dug his nails deeper. “Oh, testy. I see, she’s different.” He crooned, leaning forward his eye probing into Raijin’s, “She’s tempting.”

“Shit.” Raijin exclaimed.

Jerking his hand back, Raijin turned away from him. He stared at his right hand now coated in Aleks blood.

“Is the car here?” He asked walking over to where he’d dropped his phone and picked it up. He faced Alek a lot more in control.

Alek didn’t bother to wipe away the blood covering his collar bone and shirt. His wounds healed leaving not a scratch behind. “Yes and the daughter has already been delivered to her Aunts. Her memories have been altered to believe her mother has gone on a trip.” He turned his eyes to Sabina, “Will we be altering her memories as well?”

“Yes,” Raijin answered. “I’ll be outside. Get me when it’s done.”

“Yes, sir.”

Raijin rushed from the room leaving Alek to do his work.


Her hands held onto the little stick. As she walked along the well beaten path, behind the shack her grandmother called home. Her voice carrying off as she sang an old tune her she’d heard on the radio.

The tree leaves made a shushing sound, as she walked along the old beaten path, beams of sun light fell all around her.

“Little baby rabbit, why did you run.” She paused when she came to a puddle staring at it in confusion.

“Did it rain?” she asked no one, as she lifted her hand to scratch at her temple. Only to pause when she saw it was child’s hand.


Her name was screamed, cutting through the sunlit afternoon. The buzzing of the bugs ceased, as she turned around her eyes wide in confusion as she felt her view change. As her limbs grew longer, she ran back to the shack. The sky changed from a robins blue to an ominous red.

Sabina raced up the slight incline, her eyes focused on the back door. Not bothering to knock, she slammed inside. She jerked her hands up to cover her mouth as she took in the ghastly sight before her.

The walls, and floor were covered in the gory paint of blood. The miniscule amount of furniture they kept, tossed around like children’s toys.


She whimpered, staring at the woman who’d raised her. Her grandmothers steel colored hair, still as shiny as ever hung down her back as her gnarled fingers grasped the hand of the one who’d done this. Her eyes that had always reminded Sabina of gob stones, narrowed with a fierce light as blood painted her mouth.

Her dark skin covered with her life’s blood. She didn’t look away from the shadow like creature, instead she stared at it with her whole being. Her magic swirling around her.


Frozen in terror, Sabina body trembled her mind tried to translate the horror of the scene before her.

“Sabina,” Her Granny called again, her voice still strong despite the fact she had a hand piercing her through the middle. “Go.”

Sabina shook her head, “I-I can’t.” She wailed.


A hard pack of wind slammed into her.

“No.” She cried, as she tried to push against it.
