Page 44 of Raijin

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“Sabina, you must.” Her Granny said, her back to her as she used the last magic in her veins.

“Granny,” She yelled in distress

The wind shoved, falling backwards Sabina tumbled into the darkness.


Sabina sat up abruptly, she could feel her heart racing in her chest pressing a hand to it she searched the room frantically for a hint of the monster in her dreams. After a tense moment she felt only confusion. Looking from the window that overlooked a large yard to the yellow-colored walls. She knew something wasn’t right, she quickly pulled the covers aside and got up immediately noting her ankle no longer hurt.

Running to the door she jerked it open. Looking up and down the hallway. She cautiously walked into the hallway. When had she left the hospital, she mentally asked herself.

The walls themselves weren’t covered with pictures, so she couldn’t make an educated guess as to where she was. Had the enemy gotten ahold of her?

When she finally reached the stairs, she descended them coming to a sudden stop at the last step when the front door opened abruptly. Sabina was sure she resembled a stun dear as not only Raijin entered but also Alek.

She felt surprised, but also alarmed. That the only words that left her lips were, “Where am I?”

They seemed just as surprised at seeing her, as she was seeing them.

Alek amused, tapped his temple. “She’s a strong one.”

Sabina frowned at that, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Did you do something to me?

Her expression cleared when she immediately realized what they’d done. “You messed with my memories didn’t you.”

The stoic man only nodded. “Only so that you would leave peacefully.” He explained, as he went to remove his coat.

“How could you,” she demanded her anger growing. Her eyes flashed, as she tightened her hand at her side. The walls began to tremble, as her anger grew. “You had no right.” She gritted her teeth; both men tensed when they felt the first trace of magic moving.

The walls shook, as the colors of the carpet under their feet stirred.

How could they?

How could they keep her from saying goodbye to Kahlia? The more she thought about the more her anger grew. She refused to believe it had something to do with those steady red gazes that didn’t flinch at the show of her anger.

Raijin didn’t retreat as his friend did. Instead, he settled his coat on the hanger and removed his gloves shoving them in his pocket. Before fully facing her, his hard gaze challenging her angry one.

“Right?” He questioned as he approached her, “You were afforded the consideration of our caring whether or not you could handle the emotional separation from your daughter. We wished to avoid a scene of any sort for your safety. You ask, ‘how could we?’” She could hear the smirk in his voice, “Easily, like this.”

He reached out faster then she expected and grabbed her wrist and jerked on it pulling her close. She fell into him; she lifted her other hand pushing against his chest. Glaring up at him, as he leaned his head down.

She bit her lip as her heart began to race for another reason. Her hand pressed against his chest, she swallowed. Her eyes widened, as she stared into his. They weren’t just a demonic red but layers of crimson and burgundies.

Baring her teeth, Sabina shoved her attraction away. How could she be attracted to such an uncaring, giant who only knew how to bully her. “L-let go.” She demanded, pulling at her hand.

He didn’t, instead he pulled it higher, so she pressed closer to him. Her lips were a pinkies distance from his mask, his eyes drifted down. She watched as his eyes grew hotter, nervous she licked her bottom lip.

“Listen to me well Sabina,” she stiffened.

He returned his gaze to hers, “You are here by my grace, it’s my grace that’s keeping you and your daughter safe. I decided it was best for you to be brought here till we could deliver you to the ones who will be able to tell us when that little secret inside you becomes free. Nothing else is important, but this,” He lowered her sleeve so the thorny tattoo like design could be seen. “Don’t think for one second, that the reason I gave you such grace was because I felt like being nice.”

He abruptly released her; she let out a small cry as she staggered back catching herself on the stair banister.

“You’re a means to an end. You’re lucky we even cared to offer you such an option.” Raijin added.

“And I’m supposed to be grateful for it?” Sabina snapped as her eyes narrowed. “You think your little group of rabid dogs are so impressive.” She scoffed, refusing to rub at her wrist that ached slightly. “No matter how powerful you think you are, if I wanted to leave I could. And there’s nothing you could do to stop me.”

He lifted his chin, as if he to acknowledge her words, but she could see the ice in his gaze. “You’re free to delude yourself into believing you have power here but, as you yourself called us; rabid dogs like us live firmly in reality. And that reality is…We’ll do anything to complete our mission. Even if that means locking you somewhere there is no escape from.” He said, a certain tone to his voice.
