Page 60 of Raijin

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Sabina body struggled under him as his teeth clamped on her shoulder. His teeth tore into her shoulder, as her taste filled his mouth. He mentally groaned as he felt her fingers dig into his upper arms. Just as he swallowed he felt the beast inside him settle.

The buzzing in his head turning silent as he immediately became aware of what he’d done.

“A-are you done?” She asked, breathlessly.

Pushing himself up Raijin stared in mute horror at her bitten shoulder. There was a clear spot where he’d bitten away her flesh. Trying to keep his calm he lifted his hand and cut it, letting the blood drip onto her wound and didn’t feel his anxiety retreat till he saw the wound start to heal leaving behind only the teeth marks.

Once finished he stood, the blood from a witch was potent. Staring down at her, his conscious self-resurfacing Raijin felt his Alarm climb. He had done this to her, the flimsy baby doll she’d been wearing long gone. He looked at the pieces of fabric that had been thrown by him to the side. Only wearing underwear, she moved drawing his attention as she pushed herself up to a sitting position, shyly covering her chest.

Sabina should have never entered his cell. She’d put herself in danger being around him, and—. He looked at her hand that held the scars of her choice to help him moving his gaze to her shoulder. The traces of now drying blood only remained, “Why?”

Her eyes had been averted from his, but now she studied his expression thoughtfully before she answered. “I don’t know.” She answered, before looking away her eyes once more. “Maybe, I didn’t want to escape without some muscle behind me.”

He thought over her words, knowing they were a lie but unwilling to dig deeper into her reasons. “Fine, don’t ever do it again.”

He pulled the red robe from his shoulders and dropped it on her head turning his back to her. “I don’t know if I’ll stop next time.” With that he waited for her to pull on the robe in silence.


Devil’s Delight


“Idon’t know if I’ll stop next time.”

Sabina hated how her heart jumped in excitement at his words. She wasn’t usually one who looked for roughness during sex. Hell, she’d been stuck with a cheating vanilla fucker for six years. But the minute, Raijin had pushed her to the ground and grabbed her wrist preventing her from pushing him away she’d felt more than willing to allow him to go further.

She cursed herself. Did a few years of celibacy turn her into pervert?

Pulling the robe off her head, she swiftly put the robe on. Her arms wrapping around her waist, as she attempted to gather her faculties. She glanced at his back, unsure of what to say. She couldn’t tell him she was fine with him pushing her down.

She wasn’t a buffet; she couldn’t offer her body up like some sacrifice to the heathen god. Staring at him she freely took in the broad back, squinting she noticed the criss crossing lashes that marred his intricate tattoos. Her mind derailed from her troublesome desire for the man standing, with his back to her. The markings weren’t new, but healed over and now were as a apart of Raijin, as his mask.

“You said, you’re planning on how to escape.”

She felt surprised when the subject of her study spoke, and she bobbed her head, though he didn’t see it. “I do. You can turn around now.”

Instead of turning around, he sat down Indian style. His back still facing her, he ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “I’m good, so what’s your plan?”

Confused, she frowned. “Well, they seem to be sure that these cuffs will keep my magic at bay.” She didn’t like looking at his back.

“You’re saying the cuffs don’t work on you.”

“Yes and no. They work, but not as well as they think, but I haven’t been given enough time to gather magic,” She released a frustrated noise. “This is annoying.”

Surprise, by her sudden outburst Raijin half-turned to find two hands reaching up to cover the bottom half of his face. His eyes widened in shock, as dark brows lowered over narrowed brown eyes. “I know you don’t want me to see your mouth,” Sabina complained, with a huff of annoyance, “but talking to your back is ridiculous. We need to work together to get out of here.” She kept her arms up, and hands over the lower half of his face as she continued. “Look, as long as they think you’re torturing me, and I’m terrified of the possibility of you eating me. They’ll give me more than enough time to flood this entire place with a non-magic barrier.”

Reaching up, he placed a hand on top of her hands, “You’ll kill the magic use here, how will that help us?”’

She smirked then, her eyes changing from determined to mischievous. “Because nothing magical will work which is perfect situation for an Oni to destroy and tear his way out. Understand?”


At this point, Raijin could mention that he and his men were more than prepared for such situations. A piece of metal embedded into the back of his shoulder would lead the death seeking warlock to him, but he couldn’t help enjoying the look of pleasure Sabina showed at having come up with a plan to escape.

She’d also thought of him in her search to escape. He wanted to pull her close, and hold her. He turned his eyes away from her open gaze. Her palms were still pressed to his lips, he gently pulled her hands away. Lowering his face, “You’ve thought a lot about this.”
