Page 61 of Raijin

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Removing her hands, she set back on her haunches her face turning solemn. “I didn’t really have anything else to think about. I have to get back to my daughter, and I can’t let them get their hands on this secret.”

Hearing this, Raijin felt his guilt grow at not telling her about their high possibility of rescue. Even with that growing guilt, he couldn’t risk it. If the one’s who’d captured them returned and decided to be rougher in their questioning he wasn’t sure she’d be able to hold it together.

At this he demanded, “They haven’t—.” “No, don’t worry.” She said, cutting him off.

Relief filled him at that, “Good.”

Her eyes darkened “You know there are worse things that they could do right?”

He stiffened, his mind filling with all the other possible scenarios. His body tightened with anger, as he curled his hands that rested on his thighs into fist. “Tell me.”

Releasing a sigh, her shoulders slumped. “What’s the point,” she lifted a hand and pressed it to her right shoulder. “I could spend the next hour telling you what they did to me, or I could rest up for the next round.”

“What did they do?” His voice guttural, he found himself half rising to physically coax her to tell him.

She flinched at his gesture, and seeing his intent in his gaze she frowned. “The witches that were dying. They are dying because their experimenting with forcing an exorbitant amount of magic into them, foreign magic to make—.” “Numb Witches.”

He was surprised by her lack of reaction. “You don’t seem surprised.”

She shrugged, “Many witches had a hunch that it was something like that.”

“Really, it’s not that your sister has already been looking into it.”

Her expression became blank, “Even if she has been looking into it, she still knows less than you and your men.”

He scoffed, “There is no point in lying witch. We both know what your sister is capable of.”

“Are you sure about that?” Sabina challenged.

His curiosity peeked; he went to speak but a blood curdling scream cut through. It was then he realized that the conversation with Sabina had almost made him forget where they were. He frowned, that had never happened to him before.

And by the surprised look on Sabina’s face, she’d also forgotten. She now stared into the dark of the long hallway, a complicated look on her face.

“Why do you cover your face?” She asked suddenly.

Her question caught him off guard.

“Does it matter why?”

“No, but I do wonder what makes you think of yourself as a monster.” She explained, as she faced him fully once more.

His chest panged, as he was flooded with memories from the past he wanted to leave behind. Standing, he walked over to her and kneeling he picked her up with no words and moved to the corner. “We should sleep to regain our energy, your blood helped but it will only curtail my hunger for a time.”

As if she sensed that he no longer wished to talk, she allowed him to settle them down in the corner, her body moving closer to his. And together, they drifted into sleep.

One wishing they could have spoken for longer, a little bit longer so that their cruel reality would fade away, and they could learn more about their mysterious partner.

The other, caught in the grip of past mistakes and wrong doings.

Both found slight comfort in each other, as they ignored the screams that continued to echo.


“She’s not dead.”

Lanias nearly screamed, as she glared down at the Blue Jay working the desk at the Council headquarters. She’d been waiting for word ever since her sister had gone with the Jackals, damn near two weeks later and still no word.

She’d done her best not to blow, burn or poison anyone. So, she thought she was being lenient, only screaming at the female Blue Jay, who kept glancing on her supervisor who’d been whispering in her phone ever since Lanias had arrived.
