Page 62 of Raijin

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Slapping her hand on the counter, she continued her tirade. “Listen, Sabina Clark was taken into witness protection by your council owned dogs, and now you’re telling me she’s disappeared. Are you fucking kidding me?”

The young woman, who nervously typed on her air keys, that rearranged and moved as she searched the many screens that rested on the wall right behind Lanias; stuttered, “M-Ms. Lanias, as we’ve already explained, we cannot release any information as to her whereabouts but because you are family, we can tell you that the Jackals have everything under control.”

“Bullshit.” Lifting her right hand covered in black flames, she threatened the woman. “Let me assist you in digging deeper.”

The girl released a terrified squeak of fear.

“Madame do you always use crass threats to get your way?” Someone interrupted.

“Huh?” Whipping around she came face to face with a familiar fox shifter. He looked from her to the flame surrounding her hand, with a huff she let it disappear with no effort. Walking toward him, she placed her hands on her hips. Not acknowledging the looks of desire in the eyes of the men who walked by. She was used to it, she was in a short jean skirt with a black t-shirt tucked in, she knew her form was being shown off to perfection. “So, you’re the one telling the little meat eaters what to do, fox.”

Tiller quirked a brow at her words, looking her over slightly. Despite her heels, he stood taller than her. “Depends.”

She smiled coldly, “Where is she?”

Carefully, wiping emotion from his face Tiller purposely played dumb. “Who?

Her hand lashed out. A body appeared beside her and caught it.

Quicksilver eyes clashed with her midnight gaze. “This is the third time you’ve gotten in my way vampire.” Lanias gritted out.

Alek amused smirked ignoring her attempts to jerk her hand back. “Indeed,” his expression turned serious. “We’re going to save her. Don’t worry.”

Lanias angry expression melted away, only to be replaced with annoyance as she snatched her hand away. “Who’s worried,” she snapped, looking away from him she side-eyed Tiller. “I would have gotten my sister, either by request or—” she left the rest unsaid hanging, as she sharply turned on her heel and exited the building.

Both men watched her go.


“Is the Warlock ready?” Tiller demanded.

“Yes,” Alek assured him, once again slipping into the red mist that swirled at his feet. “we’ll be attacking in two days.”

“Good.” Turning away, Tiller made his way to the Main Chiefs office, they would need as many men as they could get. Especially if they were truly dealing with the unseelie, of course he’d tell him it was one of the bloods fang syndicates. Less likely to get helpers, when dealing with a terrifying race of ancient beings.

He hated that things had gotten complicated, yet still there was a part of him that was excited for what that meant for the world and himself.




They spent the night together. When Sabina finally woke up it was to find those horrible eyes staring at her. She flinched, only to feel Raijin’s arms tighten around her.

“So, the Ogre hasn’t killed you yet.” Lyon said with disappointment. The way he watched her was discomfiting. “Though if he had killed you I would be in big trouble with my brother.”

Sabina struggled to fight the fear quickly taking over her conscious mind. She had to remain brave and calm in the face of his threatening pose.

“But the fact that the ogre didn’t take this chance is interesting.”

Walking inside with no fear, the Unseelie closed the space between them. He looked from her to Raijin who hadn’t shifted a muscle at his sudden entrance. “I wonder why that is, maybe he needs to be starved a little longer.”

He reached out his hand, his expression turning evil looking. “Come, it’s time we went a bit deeper to regain what is ours.”

Sabina retreated burrowing herself deeper into Raijin’s hold.

“Now witch, you don’t want your friend to get hurt because of your fear do you?” He chided her.
