Page 4 of Beastly

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I scroll down the page and my breath stills when I see his picture. Good god, he’s beautiful to look at. But in his dark eyes I see a similar look to my father. An arrogant pride that doesn’t suffer fools gladly.

Although the man fascinates me, the one thing I refuse to do is let myself be tempted by any man, let alone one with the same tendencies as my father. If I ever manage to find some kind of life for myself and a man wants to be part of that life…great!

But not one that the mere way he stands or smirks at me, the cold glint in his dark eyes reminds me of my father. He’s a man who could easily destroy a woman if she didn’t take his particular attitude into account.

I reach inside the corner of my sheet all the way underneath and smile when I feel the little rectangular packet that I’ve been putting money away in for years.

My father doesn’t give me massive amounts of money but he knows that if he doesn’t pay me for work, he’s got nobody else to blame if he looks bad. I guess if you refuse to pay your daughter because she’s your property…that’s bad.

I lie down and pull the blanket up on me like I usually do. I wish to God those damn cameras weren’t watching me because my lower body is throbbing, my desire overwhelming when I look at that picture of Marshall. I’ve never felt this way about any man, least of all one like my father.

I push those thoughts down. I’m stuck where I am until I get myself out of here. I’m so close. Another couple of months and I’ll have enough to try and find a way out and live my own life.

I smile when I think about all the ways I plan to live that life. I want to go on a picnic even if it’s by myself. I want to have dinner in a fast food restaurant. My father hates fast food. I long to taste a hot, salty French fry and a juicy hamburger overflowing with ketchup and mustard and pickles.

My dad wouldn’t be caught dead with a hamburger.

My eyes close and I smile, slipping into sleep with dancing hamburgers and smiling criminals that look like upstanding citizens until they lock you away.

Until they crush your dreams and leave you in some kind of limbo, wanting a life of your own but unable to escape to one.

Unable to grow up and move on like every other adult out there. I’m twenty-four but I might as well be twelve.



“Tell me that it’s working, Jeremy,” I demand and he grins.

“It’s working. He’s taken a bath on that new business he just started.”

“That’s not a business. That’s loan sharking. All I did was point it out to the Feds.”

I grin when I remember making the phone call. They were fucking shocked that someone was willing to turn his ass in. I was more than willing. I also had the goods.

I don’t play around. If you fuck with me or what’s mine, I’ll make you pay.

“Great. Keep up with the campaign.” I’ve been systematically going to every other business…restaurants, beauty parlors, racetracks, any damn thing that McCallum can make money at.

I’m gonna wreck that man’s business and then when he comes crawling to me, I’ll have the leverage to get what I want. My woman.

“The attorneys called again. About that paperwork and the contract you were having them look over.”

“Don’t bother. Just tell them to ditch it. I have no interest in anything right now except for this guy, McCallum.”

“If you don’t mind my asking…what did he do to you?”

I smile darkly, my lips twisting. “He made the mistake of having the most beautiful girl in the place standing beside him and he told me that I didn’t need to know her name because I was never going to meet her.”

His lips from a moue that makes me laugh. “This is all for a girl?” The horror in his tone is real.

“You’d do the same for the most beautiful boy in the world.”


“You would.”

His blue eyes dance. “Yeah. Okay. But what are you going to do besides trash his business.”
