Page 65 of Reckless Bonds

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Bobble shrugs. “The process of reuniting the Shards is one that’s pretty mysterious. It’s only happened a few times in history, to my knowledge. It could be that you kind of have to bond them in order.”

I blink. “Like, puzzle pieces?”

“Exactly,” Bobble says. He holds my hand, his big fingers tracing lines up the inside of my wrist and onto my palm. “There might be a specific order that you need to bond us in. I think that Sunder is first because he’s the Alpha. My time will come,” he says with that same calm smile.

I file away the information about Sunder being the Alpha, and nod. “I guess that makes sense. I still wish it was you,” I whisper.

Bobble holds out his arms again, and I crawl into them. I nestle into his chest, where a noise very similar to one of his cat purrs pulses against my ear. I press my ear closer, comforted by his warmth and the strength of his arms as they surround me.

“It’s going to be okay. Just stay alive, Mira. That’s all we need.”

I nod along, trying to look pacified, but doubt already spreads inside me like wildfire.

He’s just saying that to make you feel better.I grit my teeth against the intrusive thought.No, that’s not true. Bobble cares for me.

He pulls me in for a last hug as the edges of our little dream bubble blur. I squeeze harder, hoping he feels it one last time before it all puffs into mist.

I wasn’t lying.

I wish it was him.

Even if he’s my cat most of the time.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Chirping birds wake me before dawn, groaning as I roll onto my side. I haven’t slept on the ground since I was a teenager, out camping with my friends. My body aches, screaming at me from the inside. The grey sky is bright enough to see Sunder sleeping leaning against a tree.

How the hell is he sleeping sitting up?

I scrub the sleep from my eyes before relieving myself behind a nearby tree. When I come back, Sunder’s waking up.

“How’d you sleep?” he asks with a half yawn.

“I had another Dreamshare last night with Bobble. Where is he?”

“I told him to patrol around the area and jump on me if anything seems off.”

I murmur a noise of acknowledgement as I drop to sit next to him, hugging my knees to my chest. My heart is pounding, but I don’t understand why.

My conversation with Bobble is still front and center in my mind, and I know that in order to keep all of us safe, I need to ask him to complete the mating bond. Chroma is obviously required here.

I have no reason to be nervous. It’s not like he’s going to reject me. He wouldn’t… not after he’s been pushing to bond. Right?

My inner voice of self doubt rears her ugly head early this morning.

He’ll leave you the next chance he gets.

I sigh deeply, knowing it doesn’t matter if he does. He could die out here without powers. I could die.

This is something we have to do.

“So listen-” I say at the same time he says, “Mira-”

“Yeah?” we both respond together, with a chuckle.

“Go ahead,” he tells me.
