Page 203 of Our Scorching Summer

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“Nope, I’ll pour them.”That’s my girl.

She lines up the shot glasses from her merch table—she had them made specifically for me—and fills each with champagne, except for Avery’s, which she fills with water.

The mood in the cramped space returns to one of celebration.

“I can’t wait to pop this baby out,” Avery says, rubbing her giant baby bump. “I don’t know what I miss more, coffee or champagne.”

Luca grabs a shot glass. “Coffee,cariño, it’s definitely coffee.”

My stomach flips, anticipating the day when Lily and I have a little rascal of our own. Who knows if they’ll be wild like me or wild like their beautiful mom. But we’ll probably have a giant house of children all yelling at each other and getting up to no good.

It’s a daydream for now, but I know I’m going to put a few babies in Lily soon enough.

My woman blinks up at me as if reading my mind and glares.

Alright, not soon enough. There’s too much adventuring, writing, and fucking to do until we get there.

I pocket my brief fantasy and take the shot glass out of Lily’s hand.

“How many times do I need to tell you guys that you don’t have to come to every signing?” Lily backs her perfect ass into me, leaning against my chest.

“And miss out on knowing a famous author, or worse, the behind the scenes of your books?” Molly winks. “Never.”

“What are we giving cheers to today?” I whisper in my lady’s ear.

Lily holds up her shot of champagne. “To taking risks.”
