Page 67 of Wine and Gods

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The elder scoffed at her. “You moved forward without due process and without council approval. Your actions directly challenge our authority, and according to our laws, this makes your claim to the land forfeit, should the council declare it so.”

Erin challenged the chairman, her voice steady. “Just try taking the Temple away from me, and you’ll see the true power of this devotee.”

The chairman exchanged glances with the other council members before responding. “We will take your words into consideration, Erin. However, know that we will monitor the situation closely. If we deem it necessary, we will not hesitate to shut down your establishment or eject you from the city proper.”

Erin clenched her fists, fighting the urge to unleash her divine power in defiance. Instead, she nodded and replied evenly, “I understand your position, but I won’t let you destroy what I’ve built without a fight.”

The chairman’s eyes narrowed, and he dismissed Erin with a curt wave of his hand. “I can see you need some time to digest what we’ve shared with you today. You may leave now.”

As Erin rose and then turned to exit the chamber, she couldn’t help but feel a mix of frustration and determination. With her head held high, she strode toward the doors, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. She knew that the battle for the future of her city was far from over, but she also knew that she was more than willing to fight for her cause.

Just as Erin reached the doors, Blaine appeared, looking flustered and not at all like his usual composed self. He held out his hand to stop her and declared, “This isn’t over, and you’re not leaving.”



Nadir returned to the cabal burrow, her footsteps heavy with exhaustion and worry. The air was thick with the scent of freshly baked cookies and incense, which, with her daemonic super scent, enveloped her like a warm blanket, both comforting and overwhelming. As she entered the communal area, Kobol greeted her, his green eyes lighting up with mischief as he twirled a cookie between his fingers.

“Welcome back, sis,” he said, offering her the treat with a wink. “I made a new recipe. I call it, Eternal Damnation Delights. You’ll love it.”

Nadir hesitated, noticing his curly red hair and short horns covered in a fine coating of flour. She considered teasing him about it but decided against it, not wanting to deflate his excitement. She took a bite, her taste buds exploding with a sinful mix of dark chocolate, chili, caramel, and a touch of sea salt. The flavors swirled together, creating a decadent dance on her tongue. She couldn’t help but smile, even in her exhaustion.

“You’ve outdone yourself, Kobol,” she said, taking another bite. “Though I’m not sure about the name.”

“Eh, it’ll grow on you, just like me,” Kobol chuckled, flour puffing from his hair as he shook his head. “You look like you’ve been getting into trouble,” he observed, a note of approval in his voice. “I like it.”

Nadir sighed, her lips curving into a wry smile. “You know me too well, Kobol. I’m always finding trouble, or it finds me. Where are the others?” she asked Kobol.

“Orias is off meditating or communing with shadows or whatever he’s calling it this week,” Kobol shrugged. “Azimuth is,” he tilted his head to the side, and then smiled broadly, “well, it looks like he’s skulking this way right about now.”

Nadir breathed a sigh of relief. Orias could take one look at a person and see their deepest, darkest secrets. Whether he shared what he knew or suspected was another matter. At least today she didn’t need to worry their resident oracle would reveal her conversation with Ranna.

Azimuth entered the room, his aquamarine eyes filling with concern as they swept over her. Nadir appreciated Azimuth’s keen ability to read people, especially when it wasn’t turned her way. “You look thin as a fade energetically,” he said, his brow furrowing. “What happened while you were gone?”

Nadir hesitated, the memory of her encounter with Ranna fresh in her mind. She knew she couldn’t tell Azimuth about it, not yet, and she certainly couldn’t speak of it inside the burrow, where Belial might overhear. Instead, she opted to share the details of her visit to Erin’s temple.

“I went to Erin’s temple,” she began, her voice steady. “I know you said to give her a wide berth, but I can’t shake this feeling that something powerful is going down in the city. I’m convinced Erin is at the center of the storm.”

Azimuth frowned, his gaze intense. “Did you get any idea of what this power might be, or how it could affect us?”

“No, I’m not sure yet,” Nadir admitted, her shoulders slumping. “But whatever it is, Erin and the god-touched won’t be the only ones affected. I want to help her, Azimuth. She’s not my only friend in the city, either.”

Azimuth nodded, his hand reaching out to cup her cheek. “We’ll figure this out together, Nadir. But right now, you need to rest and recharge your daemonic energy. You can’t keep pushing yourself like this.”

Nadir hesitated, gathering her courage before revealing her inner turmoil. “Az, you know I’ve been feeling conflicted about the current directives from Belial. I’m not sure if we’re doing the right thing.”

Azimuth’s eyes softened, understanding her concerns. “I know it’s difficult, Nadir. But you’re not alone in this. We’ll figure things out together, as we always have.”

“Orias and I have your back too, Nadir,” Kobol added. “Together, we’re a powerhouse.”

Nadir nodded but couldn’t mask the doubt that still lingered in her eyes. “I want to believe that, but it’s hard. I can’t help but worry about the consequences of our actions.”

Azimuth reached for her hand, gently squeezing it as a sign of reassurance. “I understand your fears, Nadir. But you need to trust me. I’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe and take care of you, no matter what happens.”

Nadir tried to express her agreement, forcing a smile, but knew Azimuth would sense she didn’t trust him completely. “I know you will, Azimuth. It’s just tough, but I’ll do my best to trust you and our decisions.”

Azimuth smiled back, his eyes filled with determination. “That’s all I ask. Together, we can face any challenge that comes our way. Let me show you how I can take care of you,” he murmured, a playful glint in his eyes.
