Page 68 of Wine and Gods

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Nadir sighed, knowing he was right. Her body ached, and her mind felt as if it were on the verge of shattering. She needed to feed her daemonic hungers, and Azimuth knew it.

Azimuth led her back to their room, the dimly lit space offering a soothing respite from the chaos of her thoughts. As he pulled her into his arms, their bodies entwined, and Nadir felt the familiar thrum of desire course through her veins, fueling her daemonic nature. The icy calm of his touch ignited a fire within her, and she surrendered herself to the passion that consumed them both.

Azimuth’s lips trailed a searing path down her neck, leaving a trail of shudders in their wake. Nadir arched her back, pressing herself closer to him, craving more of his touch. “Azimuth,” she whispered, the intensity of her need surprising even her.

He responded to her with a low growl, his hands gliding along her body, re-familiarizing himself with every dip and curve. He knew where to touch her to bring the most pleasure, and he took his time, whisking her skin and tantalizing her with his tongue. Nadir’s soft cries filled the room, a sign of his capabilities and her ever-growing need. As their playful conversation faded into passionate kisses, their hands explored each other without mercy or restraint. Azimuth’s fingers caressed Nadir’s skin, leaving her trembling while she playfully yanked at his hair, eyes sparkling with mischievousness.

“Azimuth,” Nadir breathed, her voice heavy with lust, “I need you.”

In that moment, their connection intensified as Azimuth’s fingers traced delicate patterns on Nadir’s skin, eliciting a shiver from her. With a firm yet gentle grip, he pulled her closer, joining their bodies together in a dance still fresh despite their time together. His tender kisses on her neck and collarbone contrasted with the commanding way he guided her movements, a perfect balance that drove Nadir wild.

She could feel the chill of his daemonic energy emanating from him, his desire for her evident in his every touch. The sensation of being both loved and desired by Azimuth was intoxicating, and she reveled in it, her heart swelling with emotions she could barely contain. The symphony of their mingled breaths and whispered endearments filled the air, a testament to the depth of their passion and the strength of their bond.

In that moment, their connection intensified as Azimuth’s skilled hands guided their dance of passion. His touch was both tender and commanding, a perfect balance that drove Nadir wild. She could feel the mounting pressure building within her, and as their bodies moved in perfect harmony, she relished in the feeling of being both loved and desired.

Their breaths grew more labored, their moans and sighs echoing around them. As Azimuth hit that perfect angle, a surge of pleasure raced through Nadir’s body, her muscles tensing in anticipation. Together, they crossed the threshold, their bodies shuddering in unison as they reached the orgasmic culmination of their lovemaking.

Their breaths mingled, and their hearts raced as one, as they found solace in each other’s touch. Their passion was both a balm and a source of strength, an unspoken promise of unity against the world’s turmoil.

As they lay together in the aftermath, Nadir’s thoughts strayed back to her conversation with Ranna. She felt the weight of guilt over not disclosing her discussion but still withheld the information, reasoning that Ranna already had an inkling that Belial was waging war on daemon kind. Nadir knew she couldn’t keep it a secret forever, but for now, she needed to protect her cabal and help Erin.

And as sleep finally claimed her, Nadir hoped that whatever storm was coming, they would be strong enough to weather it. But just as she drifted off, her thoughts refused to settle, her mind replaying the events of the day and the uncertainty that lay ahead. The foreboding sense of unease cast a shadow over her thoughts, and she knew that the peace they had found in each other’s arms would be short-lived. The storm was already upon them, and as much as she wished for respite, her heart remained heavy knowing that challenges awaited them.



As Blaine caught his breath, Erin noted his flushed face and his crumpled suit jacket. Erin’s heart caught in her throat at the sight of him. He looked nothing like the polished Mayor York she had seen in public, and she realized he might have been as affected by their encounter as she was.

The chairman visibly relaxed, a faint smile touching his lips as he regarded Blaine. “Ah, Mayor York, good of you to join us. We were just concluding our discussion with Ms. Bevin.”

Blaine glanced at Erin, his eyes searching hers for a moment before he addressed the council. “What has been decided?”

The chairman summarized their conversation, detailing their concerns and Erin’s refusal to back down. “We’ve just informed her we’ll be monitoring the situation closely and will take action against her or her business if we find it necessary.”

Blaine turned to Erin, his gaze intense. “Are you willing to swear allegiance to the council?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. A current of tension passed between them, a reminder of the intimacy they had shared earlier. “To me?”

Erin hesitated for a moment, their connection weighing on her decision, but she finally shook her head. “By your own terms, I have six more days.”

As he shook his head, a ghost of a smile flickered across Blaine’s face, but it vanished as quickly as it appeared.

Maria, still seated at the table, spoke up. “Before we let her go, shouldn’t we test her, as is customary?” Her eyes narrowed as she regarded Erin, suspicion evident in her gaze.

Anxiety spiked within Erin. She did not know what kind of test they had in mind, and she worried about what it might entail. Blaine, however, shook his head. “I don’t think that’s necessary.”

Maria’s gaze shifted to Blaine, her suspicion now directed at him. “And why is that, Mayor York? Testing is our gold standard for ranking devotees within the city. What purpose does delaying the testing serve?”

The chairman intervened, his voice calm but firm. “Regardless of Mayor York’s opinion, we standardly test the abilities of those who claim to possess divine gifts, usually after they have sworn allegiance. However, in these unusual circumstances, I will make an exception.”

Erin looked from the chairman to Blaine, her apprehension growing. “What exactly does this test involve?” she asked, her voice unsteady.

The chairman gestured to an aide, who hurried from the room and returned moments later, cradling a small, ancient-looking tablet. The aide handed it to the chairman, who presented it to Erin.

“This artifact has been used for centuries to measure the intensity of a devotee’s divine powers,” the chairman explained. “It will reveal to us how generously your deity has bestowed his gifts upon you. I assure you, it will not harm you.”

Erin eyed the tablet warily, her hand hovering over its surface. She glanced at Blaine, searching for reassurance. He gave her a subtle nod, but she noted the concern in his eyes.

Taking a deep breath, she placed her hand on the tablet. A sharp jolt of electricity zapped her palm, causing her to jerk her hand away. The tablet’s surface now displayed nine glowing symbols arranged in a star-like pattern around a set of scales etched into the center.

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