Page 29 of The Wrong Man

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“No, baby. I just really needed to think about this.”

Setting her down on the living room couch, I went back to grab my bag off the steps before shutting and locking the front door. When I turned to her again, she looked terrified, like I was about to break her heart. Rushing over, I knelt in front of her and stroked back her long hair.

“Essa, this is it. We’re together now. We’re dating. You’re my girlfriend, okay?”

Her entire body relaxed from the tension it held as her head quickly nodded and a tiny smile crept over her pert lips. Seeing her so happy and at ease made me feel solid in my decision.

“Sorry, I didn’t say it earlier on our date.”

“It’s okay… You’re my boyfriend. I’ve never had a boyfriend.” The words were mumbled as she pressed her face into my neck, her warm breath heating my skin like fire.

Jumping into my arms again, she clung to me as I took her upstairs to the bedroom for our third round of the day.



Eli and I were dating. We were a couple. We had sex and ate dinners together, and he spent the night with me. And I was completely in love with him. I didn’t even know life could be so magical. My cheeks hurt from constantly smiling.

“It’s here! It’s here!” Rushing through the front door with the white envelope in my hand, I ran into the kitchen, waving it high above my head. “Look, Eli!”

Eli’s wide, firm back tattoos twitched as he stirred the spaghetti sauce, then wiped his hands off on his jeans. He rarely wore a shirt, which was fine by me. “Let’s see, sunshine! Open it.”

Ripping open the top, I pulled out the white letter from the insurance company. My legs became weak as I read the top, so I slumped against the wall, then to the floor as Eli came to lift me off the ground. “P-paid in full, it says.” Tears clouded my vision as I wrapped my arms and legs around him, gripping him as tightly as he held me.

Swaying back and forth, he pressed his face into my hair and murmured, “I’m so proud of you. So proud of my little girl. You did it.”

Pulling back to face him, he pressed his lips against my cheeks, gathering up my tears. “I couldn’t have done it without you, daddy.”

A corner of his broad lips jerked into a smirk. “Of course you could have, but I’m so glad I got to help you out.” Clutching my mouth with his, he slowly swept his thick tongue inside while continuing our dance in the kitchen.

Debt free. I was debt free! It had been a couple of weeks since our shoot, and despite having all that money in my account, the only things I’d purchased were a new laptop for school, a new phone, and some things for around the house. The household bills came and went without me having to go down to the utility offices to beg for “just one more day.” I could sign up for autopay of my bills and not even think about them. Eli was good with numbers and helped me get my money organized to save some, invest some, then have enough in my account for my expenses, like a good daddy.

Pressing his waist more firmly into my core, I could feel his rock-hard cock ready to go. “I’m sorry. I’ve gone too long without it, baby girl. You know I’m going to wear my pussy out.”

Tapping the corner of his lips with mine, I smiled. “I don’t mind, but—"

A loud knock and murmured greeting came through the side door. Eli smirked and let me slide down his body as I went to open it.

“Hey, Piper!”

My friend’s wild pink hair waved in the autumn wind as she entered the house carrying a tray of what appeared to be some homemade cookies. “Hey, pretty lady!” She greeted me with a half hug, her eyes raking over my boyfriend, who turned to stir the pasta, which had boiled over. “Whoa. Um, Essa? Did you know you have a giant cooking in your kitchen?”

Both of us chuckled in response, but Eli turned and stuck out his hand. “Hey, I’m Eli.”

“Yeah… I’ve heard alotabout you.” Piper took his large palm to shake, and I elbowed her in the ribs gently, not wanting her to blab about our private conversations about my boyfriend’s huge cock. Her eyes were glued to his chest.

“I’ll just go put a shirt on for dinner. Be right back.” Kissing my temple, he walked toward the living room as Piper’s green eyes followed, crinkling at the corners.

“Dude. Your boyfriend is massive. Andhot. Well done!” She took the plastic off her plate and placed it on the table. “You’ll love these, by the way. My own white chocolate chip recipe.”

Turning to watch Eli walk away, my heart raced at the sight of him. “Yeah... he is pretty hot. Thanks for coming over for dinner. And for your cookies.”

I had already crammed for my classes before he was finished with work for the day, so I could spend all evening with him and Piper. Usually, in the evenings, he would play video games on the console he brought over from his place while I studied. Other nights, he worked on doing small projects around the house for me.

“Did Eli do this?!” Piper was staring at my new sink faucet before attempting to wash her hands.

Busying myself with finishing our dinner, I bit my lip, nervous he would hear me. “Um, well. Yes? He installed it while we watched a tutorial on YouTube, then it started leaking, so I fixed it when he left and didn’t tell him.”
