Page 35 of A Single Soul

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I swept my tongue across my suddenly parched lips. Shouting over the music, I stammered, “I… Um… That depends.”

His eyebrows rose.

I swallowed. “If I stay, am I dancing with you?”

The grin broadened, and he tugged my arm. What could I do but follow?

Oh. Fuck. Was this… Was this really happening?

Yeah, it was. Matt’s hands were on me. His body was against mine. We were moving. He was looking at me. And…

Holy shit. This is real.

It was too loud to talk. That was probably a good thing, because dozens of questions were ricocheting around in my skull. Most of them boiled down to…why?

Why were we dancing? Why was he looking at me that way? Why did his hands fit so perfectly on my waist? Why…

Why had it taken us so long to do this?

And why were we dancing closer…


Holy fuck, he was so close.

“Matt…” I didn’t even know what I wanted to say. What thought there was to finish. Looking in his eyes from this close up, I couldn’t think at all. Especially not while he was looking right back at me. We were surrounded by hot guys. Guys who wouldn’t be out of place in an underwear ad or on the cover of a magazine. Guys with so much more to offer than me.

But Matt…

Was looking…

At me.

That empty, heavy void behind my ribs was such a distant memory now, it was weird to imagine it had ever been there at all. Not when there was this fire. This heat. Thisneed.

I didn’t even know what my feet were doing anymore. I’d lost all sense of rhythm. Couldn’t separate the thumping bass from my pounding heart. Couldn’t catch my damn breath without tasting Matt’s cologne.

And if the space between us narrowed even a sliver, he was going to notice exactly what he was doing to me.

His eyes flicked to my lips, and I swear to God, the hunger blazing in his expression almost made me come right there on the dancefloor.

Fuck it. I slid my hands up his back and leaned in closer, and I felt more than heard the growl he released as my hard-on brushed his, and even though I’d been the one to move in, the moment our lips touched, it washimclaimingme. I melted against him, knees unsteady, and somewhere in between him stealing my breath and deepening that kiss, my mind swerved back to that thick ridge pressing against my groin. I’d felt it, known he was hard, but it had taken a few seconds to catch up and realize…he was hard. He was turned on.

Oh, God. Matt wanted this. Wantedme.

I pushed my hands into his back pockets as I kissed him harder. The deafening music swallowed the sound of his voice, but the thrum of his low groan reverberated through me like the bass thumping around us. His mouth was needy and hungry, and I was just… putty. We weren’t even dancing anymore, and I didn’t give a damn. Not as long as he was kissing me and sliding those amazing hands all over me. I wanted him so—

Someone bumped into us. Then another.

“We should…” I tipped my head toward the edge of the dancefloor.

Matt nodded, and we made our way through the crowd. As soon as we were clear of it, I spun around, grabbed him, and pulled him to me. He pushed me up against the wall, and oh, fuck, this was the sexiest thing I’d ever experienced. Matt’s kiss was deep and needy. His hands under my overshirt were hot, his fingers digging in as if he needed me as close to his body as possible.

No one had ever kissed me like this before.No one. Like he was overcome with an all-consuming need to have me. With a lot of guys, being pinned like this—being held against a wall—would have some claustrophobia worming its way through my arousal, but not this time. Matt was safe. Everything about this was hot and demanding and reckless andsafe.

Because this was Matt.

Holy shit. This was what it felt like to kiss Matt. To be in Matt’s arms. To be pinned and held and irresistiblycravedbyMatt.
