Page 36 of A Single Soul

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And that was to say nothing about how dizzying it was to have his hard-on rutting against mine. Something about knowing this was Matt—thathewas the one who was rock-hard for me—had me almost delirious with want. I wasn’t usually one to get so turned on I came in my pants after some frotting and making out, but there was a first time for everything, and if he kept this up…

Matt broke the kiss, and I sucked in air… then forgot how to breathe because his lips were on my neck, skating up and down the side of my throat as his hands slid between my back and the wall.

He kissed under my ear and murmured just loud enough for me and no one else to hear, “Any chance you want to get out of here?”

Get out of… Oh. Right. We were still in the club, weren’t we? Still in public and in our clothes.

And we’d only started dancing, like, two minutes ago? Right? Wasn’t this a little fast?

I’ve also wanted him for five goddamned years. Fast, my ass.

I nodded as I tried to catch my breath. “Y-yeah. Let’s… I’ll get us an Uber.”

That was the plan, anyway.

As we stumbled out onto the sidewalk, the club’s music still ringing in my ears and thumping in the air, I took out my phone. Just needed to open the Uber app, request a—

“Uh, Cory?” Matt sounded confused and a bit alarmed.

I looked up.

And just like that the music was gone.

So was the other bar across the street. In its place was the Italian restaurant where we frequently grabbed takeout and that one cashier always flirted with me.

I turned around slowly.

No club. No neon lights. No bouncer. No line outside.

Just our apartment building.

All around us, the familiar night noises settled in. A TV on too loud coming through an open window. The engine of a passing car a couple streets over. A distant siren.

“Am I…” Matt cleared his throat. “Am I hallucinating?”

I did a slow turn, taking in the street and buildings that had been home for the past few years. “If you are, then so am I.”

My gaze landed on Matt. His eyes were wide, his expression almost comically full of the samewhat the fuck?I was feeling.

But then I realized… we were home.

I didn’t care if we’d just put ourselves in debt to the fae until the end of time. This was one gift horse I had no interest in looking in the mouth for at least a couple of hours.

I took Matt’s hand. “Who cares? We’re home.”

His focus sharpened, and the fire he’d had in the club returned. “Good call.”

My apartment was on the first floor, so we went there without any discussion. It took me longer than I cared to admit to unlock the door, but once it came open, I tossed my keys somewhere in the vicinity of the couch and grabbed Matt’s shirt. He kicked the door shut behind him, and this time it was my turn to pin him with a hungry, greedy kiss. I had enough presence of mind to turn the deadbolt. After that, nothing existed except Matt and all these clothes that needed to get the hell out of the way.

“As much as I love how this shirt looks on you,” I mumbled between kisses, “it really, really needs to come off.”

Matt responded with a soft moan. Then, “So what are you going to do about it?”

Oh, it was going to be like that?

All right, then.

I slid my hands under his shirt and pushed it up, all my senses going haywire as my palms ran along his hot body. He raised his arms, peeled the shirt the rest of the way off, and tossed it aside, and I had a split second to be satisfied that that Henley had in fact wound up in a crumpled heap onmyfloor. The second Matt’s lips met mine again, I forgot all about any clothing except what we were both still wearing.
