Page 101 of Burner Account

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“Let me finish,” he whispered, and opened up a little space between us. Holding my gaze, he said, “I’m sorry I doubted you. I don’t…” His eyes lost focus, and then he sighed and shook his head. “I think I just spooked myself with how I feel about you. I convinced myself there was no way I could have someone this amazing who’d feel the same about me.” His smile was so sweet, and he stroked my cheek. “I didn’t think someone I loved this much could also be in love with me.”

My throat ached with a mix of joy and sadness. “Of course I’m in love with you.” I ran my fingers through his hair. “You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met.”

He pushed out a ragged breath and slumped forward a little. “I’m sorry. I’m such a mess.”

“No, you’re not.” I pulled him close again, sighing with relief as he leaned into me and held me too. “You’re convinced we can’t be together because we come from different worlds.” I closed my eyes as I stroked his hair and hoped like hell he didn’t pull away this time. “But youaremy world, Isaiah. Period.”

He didn’t speak, but his embrace was so tight it was almost suffocating.

Breathing could wait. I wanted him to hold on to me as long and as tight as he needed to until he understood that everything I’d said was true.

Eventually, he loosened his embrace and drew back to meet my gaze. I could breathe more easily now, but I held my breath as I waited for him to say whatever it was he was thinking.

Please, please tell me we can do this,I wanted to beg.I don’t know how else to convince you to stay.

The small smile that broke through almost had me collapsing against him with pure relief. He didn’t let me collapse, though. Instead, he pulled me back in.

“I love you, Tanner,” he murmured, and then claimed my mouth.

I came up for air just long enough to whisper, “I love you so damn much.”

And he held me even tighter.

And neither of us said another word.

Chapter 29


My perfectly respectableMen’s Wearhouse suit might have cost a fraction of the bespoke designer one Tanner had worn to the wedding. It might not have been as flawless as his or made from as fine of materials.

But I would give it this much—it looked just as perfect as Tanner’s in a rumpled heap on the hotel room floor.

Never in my life had another man’s body felt so right against mine. Never had another man’s touch felt so…


Fuck. That was it, wasn’t it? As his mouth moved with mine and his hands slid all over my body, our conversation still echoing in my ears, I believed him more than I had anyone else in a long, long time. It didn’t matter that I couldn’t imagine what in the world I had to offer someone like Tanner, or that I’d spent so long hearing that I wasn’t worthy of love—every brush of his lips or his fingers told me I was absolutely enough for him.

I broke the kiss and started down his neck. “God, I want you so bad.”

Tanner arched under me, nails digging into my back. “Me too. I was… I was already planning to peel that suit off you as soon as we got back.”

I lifted my head and cocked an eyebrow. “Yeah?”

“Are you kidding?” He licked his lips. “You’re hot anyway, but…” He squirmed under me. “Fuck, baby—that suit?”

The disbelief that came this time wasn’t out of self-consciousness; it was just pure awe that I could turn this man on so much. “So, you’re saying I should wear suits more often?”

“Uh-huh.” He grinned. “Or… not wear them, if you catch my drift.”

I laughed, my head light with arousal and this amazing feeling like a huge weight had rolled off my shoulders. I came down to kiss him, and Jesus, there was nothing in the world better than the way he moaned softly against my lips as he wrapped his arms around me. He might’ve been smaller than me, but he was strong as hell, and his tight embrace was as addictive and heady as his powerful thighs squeezing my hips.

When I finally came up for air, I was about to ask what he wanted me to do, but he spoke first:

“Get the lube,” he panted. “And get… get on your back.”

Oh, hell. I could come just thinking about what he had in mind.
